FB01-071 - Son Gohan Childhood Awakened

Son Gohan : Childhood Green Deck Guide

Ready to unleash the power of Son Gohan Green in Dragon Ball Super Fusion? Sorry has you covered with a detailed guide that breaks down everything you need to know to dominate with this deck.

Green FB01-071-son-gohan-childhood stands out as a dominant deck in the early Dragonball Super Fusion meta. Its solid performance in local tournaments and high popularity on the digital platform highlight its strengths. This deck revolves around ramping to accelerate its game plan, dropping high-cost Battle cards a turn or two earlier than expected.

In this guide, I'll explain the FB01-071-son-gohan-childhood deck game plan, share different tips, and identify key cards crucial for the early-game. Let's get started!

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Your Leader's Awakening ability allows you to gain 15,000 Power once per turn but with the drawback of putting a card from your energy into your Drop. This is a strong ability for the late game, allowing you to use it either offensively or defensively. However, you'll need to be mindful of your energy to not lock yourself out of playing certain cards.

Green FB01-071-son-gohan-childhood is a ramp deck capable of setting up high-power Battle cards on earlier turns. Early on, your focus is on matching your opponent's board development and keeping them in check while laying the groundwork for your ramp strategy.

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Cards like 1c Son Gohan: Childhood and 1c Son Goku are invaluable for their early draw power. Despite their low Power, they can still serve as low-end Combo cards to counter your opponent's attacks.

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Additionally, 2c FB01-079-android-18 provides card draw, albeit at the cost of discarding a card. Ideally, you'll play/attack with Android 18 when you have 6 energy to get access to the additional card draw. Her 20,000 Power still poses a threat to your opponent's Leader even when Awakened, potentially forcing them into a Combo play.

Although FB01-093-trunks-future can't attack the opponent's Leader, the 25,000 Power means he'll get to swing at Battle cards and keep the opponent's board in check.

The Ramping

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Destructive Strength, 5c Son Goku, and Turles serve as your ramp tools, accelerating your game plan. Casting Destructive Strength early is crucial to leverage the extra energy in subsequent turns. This enables you to deploy 5c Son Goku or Turles a turn earlier than expected, bringing you closer to the FS03-10-broly-br play. You'll likely play only one Destructive Strength, so the rest can be used as charge cards.

It's advantageous to target your opponent's leader with Turles due to his Critical keyword, denying them a card draw upon taking damage. If board control is your priority, 5c Son Gohan: Childhood can eliminate a Battle Card with a cost of 4 or less, boasting a hefty 30,000 Power to threaten both resting Battle Cards and Leader damage.

Meanwhile, 5c Son Goku offers that constant energy ramping every time you activate your Leader's effect. This will ensure you don't end up deramping. You might opt not to attack with 5c Son Goku to ensure he gets to stay on the board for as long as possible.

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Another ramp tool you'll want on the board if you're aiming to KO a 2-cost or less Battle card. There are plenty of solid targets 4c Vegeta can take out. The card overall is great for this deck, and the +10,000 Combo seals the deal.

The Game Stabilizers

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All three of these cards come in handy to stabilize the game or buy you enough time for the FS03-10-broly-br.

Both 5c Son Gohan: Childhood and 7c Son Gohan: Childhood excel at removing opponents' Battle Cards, weakening your opponent's board presence. This can hinder their upcoming turns, giving you the window to dominate the board.

As for 6c Son Gohan: Childhood, the extra Life he provides buys more time, making it more challenging for the opponent to finish the game. The extra Life could also make it awkward for them to set up a Double Strike attack. Keep in mind that gaining extra Life means you'll also get an extra card draw, so more value!

The Game Finishers

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Similar to 5c and 7 Son Gohan: Childhood, Android 17/Android 18 can clear out Battle Cards to weaken the opponent's board. However, Android 17/Android 18 goes the extra mile with a Power of 40,000 and the Double Strike keyword, putting immense pressure on your opponent's Life and forcing them to expend resources.

Alternatively, Broly: BR can eliminate any Battle card, clearing potential threats from the board and enabling two powerful 45,000 Power attacks. Depending on the game's state, you can attack either rested Battle cards to maintain board control or focus on your opponent's Leader, pressuring them into using Combo plays defensively.

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Gigantic Meteor is an insanely strong card defensively and offensively, especially in the late game. The 25,000 Power boost can be difficult for opponents to deal with.

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7c King Vegeta is on the list for the 20,000 Super Combo play. You'll never play them on the board since their 15,000 Power isn't worth it.

Techs and Options

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FB01-101-instant-kamehameha: A 0 cost +15,000 Power boost, can be used defensively or offensively. The draw is that it places 1 of your energy cards into your draw, however, if you have a 5c Son Goku on the board you'll get that energy back.

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3c FB01-092-trunks-future: Future: A ramp Battle card that also acts as a blocker.

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2c FB01-086-son-goku: Since the list runs a bunch of Son Gohan cards, 2c Son Goku can activate his +10,000 Power boost on attack turns.

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6c FB01-074-android-16: A blocker with the ability to play 6c Son Gohan if Android 16 is KOed. This is a defensive card that also gives you an additional Life when 6c Son Gohan drops on the board.

General Tips

  • Killing big Battle cards with your abilities isn't always the right play. It can be tempting to kill high Power Battle cards with FS03-10-broly-br's ability; however, if you can close out the game, prioritize KOing blockers with FB01-078-android-17android-18 or FS03-10-broly-br's ability, making it easier to connect with the opponent's Leader.
  • Board control is crucial. You're a ramp deck that can be a bit slow in the early stages of the game. The plan is to ensure your opponent doesn't completely take over the board and start aggroing you down.
  • Double 5 Son Goku to Ramp with Leader Gohan. Having two FB01-087-son-goku on the board means you'll get an extra energy every time you activate your Leader's ability. This can set you up for more big plays in future turns.


You want to have early Battle cards like 1c FB01-088-son-gohan-childhood or 1c FB01-085-son-goku that give you access to card draw. FB01-088-son-gohan-childhood specifically can find you ramp hits like 4c FB01-096-vegeta, 5c FS03-04-turles, and 5c FB01-087-son-goku.

FS03-16-destructive-strength is also a card you want to see in the opening hand for that early ramp activation.

Closing Words

FB01-071-son-gohan-childhood Green has been one of the best performers in the meta, and you can't go wrong by picking up the deck. It has an edge over FS03-01-broly Green, and it's crucial to learn how the deck operates, especially if you're going up against it a lot.


Alaa "TricksterSorry" Yassine is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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