God of Destruction Beerus Red Deck Guide (FB02)

Ready to destroy the world? In this guide, Sorry explains how Red Beerus deck works in Dragon Ball Super Fusion World.

Hey everyone, Sorry here! With FB02 expansions' release, Red color received plenty of powerful cards that Leaders have been taking advantage of, FB01-002-beerus included! The list and playstyle are a bit different than the FB01 meta, since we're not running FB02-013-kefla for going wide on the board and gaining a draw advantage over the opponent.

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Beerus is an aggressive Leader pre-awakening, his 20,000 Power + Critical on attack turns means you want to prioritize swinging on the opponent's Leader to damage them and deny the card draw. Unlike other Leaders, Beerus doesn't draw a card an attack, making it important to target their Leader to avoid falling behind on card advantage.

The fun starts when Beerus Awakens, giving you access to card draw on attack and an ability to give -10,000 Power to one of your opponent's Battle Cards. This synergizes well with multiple cards in your deck, allowing you to eliminate Battle Cards without having to even swing into them, or at least make it easier for your attacker to pick them off.

The Red Beerus deck balances board pressure and control at the same time. You're able to keep things in check on turn 3 with the help of FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence, but on turn 4, FB02-013-kefla will create an opportunity to go wide on the board and start applying pressure with multiple attacks.

Early Self Awakners

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FB01-005-master-roshi, FB02-007-caulifla, and FB01-021-hit are valuable in the early game to damage your Leader and start working on his level up. Unlike other Leaders, FB01-002-beerus has 20,000 Power pre-awakened, so even if our awaken is delayed, we're still able to present an attack threat on the opponent's Leader.

However, we're still aiming for that level up as fast as possible, getting access to card draw on Leader attack and FB01-002-beerus's valuable power reduction skill to start controlling the board.

FB02-007-caulifla is more of an aggressive Battle Card with her Critical attack. With both Leader Beerus and FB02-007-caulifla having Critical, your opponent will be losing a lot of card value.

Both FB01-005-master-roshi and FB01-021-hit can damage your Leader once per turn. So if left unanswered, they'll be able to awaken Leader quickly. FB01-021-hit is problematic for opponent since he's a 20,000 Power attacker that can drop the Power of one of the opponent's battle cards by -5,000. This might not seem that much of a cost reduction, but in the early game, getting to pick off their 1-drops shuts them down from being used as a Combo play.

Power Reducers

Early Turns

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FB01-004-whis and FB01-021-hit are great in the early game to drop 5000 Power Battle Cards to 0 and remove them from the board. Unlike FB01-021-hit, FB01-004-whis] doesn't need to attack to activate his effect, meaning we can leave him Active for the duration of the game, dropping the Power of opponent's Battle Cards, making it easier for us to pick them off.

In most cases, opponents will go out of their way to remove the [card]FB01-004-whis as the value he provides is just too much to ignore. The Power reduction will make it more of a challenge for opponents to Combo out of an attack, and in some cases, they'll decide to give up on their Battle Card rather than commit too many resources to protect it.

Turn 3 Plays

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Our turn 3 cost reducers, and here we're starting to take our control plan to the next level. In most cases, we're prioritizing FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence over FB02-004-katopesla.

FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence is threatening 25,000 Power on the attack and reducing the Power of one of the opponent's Battle Cards by 15,000. This makes it easier for us to attack that Battle Card and KO it, or combo it with FB01-004-whis or FB01-002-beerus to remove it off the board.

On top of that, FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence is a self awakener, damaging our Leader and potentially allowing us to level him up to combo his Power reduction skill with his.

FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence is only a 5,000 Combo play, so we'd rather use FB02-004-katopesla as a Combo over FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence.

FB02-004-katopesla can reduce the Power of a Battle Card by -5000 twice on the turn he's played. We're not forced to use his skill on the same Battle Card, instead, we can target a low-power 5,000 Battle Card, remove it off the board, and target another Battle Card to make it easier for us to KO through our attack.

The Removal

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We're not always going for the cost-reduction Battle Card, FB01-015-son-goku is one of our strongest 3-cost players, joining the battlefield with his 25,000 Power and KOing a 20,000 Power Battle Card. This is a board presence shift, putting the opponent behind on development. If we happen to have a FB01-004-whis or FB01-021-hit on the board, we're not able to KOing a 25,000 Power threat.

Alternative Plays

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If we don't have FB01-015-son-goku, FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence[card], or [card]FB02-004-katopesla we still have alternative 3 drops we can take advantage of.

FB02-015-android-17 is a self-awaken Battle Card that's boosting our Leader's power by 5000. This effect sticks even during your opponent's turn, so you're pretty much packing a punch with your Leader during your offensive turn, and making it challenging for opponent to get their attacks through if they target your Leader.

In most cases, we'll avoid attacking with FB02-015-android-17 so he doesn't end up an easy target for the opponent to KO. We want to force them to find answers for him or be forced into dealing with 25,000 Power Leader.

FB02-012-kefla is your weakest play on turn 3 since she's not offering much on the board with her 20,000 Power. She's great for the slow games where the card draw she offers can be valuable, but against fast-paced decks, you'll prefer Battle Cards with some sort of effect to control the board.

The Go Wider Plan

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Turn 4 we're likely planning to set up our FB02-013-kefla play and follow her up with a 3-cost Tournament of Power Battle Card. So cards like FB02-015-android-17, FB02-012-kefla, FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence, and FB02-004-katopesla are your go-to plays here.

We're developing two characters in one turn, presenting a multiple-attack threat that your opponent might be forced to expend resources to protect their board/Leader.

FB02-013-kefla's card draw is a plus, offering value on the turn she's played which can find us a card we need or can be used as a Combo play.

The Heavy Hitters

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The late-game finisher play! The second opponent drops down to two health, FS01-08-son-goku is an immediate threat with his Double Attack that'll leave them shaking in their boots. FS01-08-son-goku can drop the Power of the opponent's Battle Cards by 20,000, combined with Leader ability, we're not potentially removing a 30,000 target. We're usually prioritizing a blocker that stands between FS01-08-son-goku and opponent's Leader.

FB01-023-beerus is more of a meta call to hold off the TopKu decks swarming the ranked ladder. On turn 5. FB01-023-beerus can wipe out the opponent's board, shutting down their aggression and forcing opponent to redevelop their board. All Battle Cards with 25,000 Power will get KO'd and with Leader ability, you're able to put a 35,000 Power in range for FB01-023-beerus to remove.

You do have to discard a card to activate FB01-023-beerus's ability, so we'll discard a card we'll least need. FB01-023-beerus having Critical means we want to attack their Leader, forcing them to either Combo out of a 35,000 Power attack or discard one of their Life Cards.

Techs and Options

FB01-026-fuwa: An early 2-cost with a 15,000 Power reduction. It can be comboed early on with FB01-004-whis to remove a 20,000 Battle Card.

FB02-035-glimpse-of-a-hidden-arrogance: It's a good card if we're looking to set one powerful attack to potentially close out the game. Ideally, we want to combo it without Double Attacker. It's also offering a card draw.

FB02-029-rumsshi: A huge answer for high-power Battle Cards. Combined with Leader ability, we're able to remove a 40,000 Power Battle card. It's also still a 10,000 Combo play in case we don't find an opportunity to play it.

General Tips

  • Make sure to eliminate low-power Battle Cards with FB01-021-hit and FB01-004-whis' -5,000 Power to shut down their Combo play.
  • Prioritize attacking the Leader with your Critical cards to bleed them out of resources.


  • Early cards like FS01-03-master-roshi, FB01-004-whis, or FB02-007-caulifla are great to have in the opening hand.
  • We also want to see a 3-cost like FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence or FB01-015-son-goku for a powerful turn 3 play.
  • If we're against ToPKu, FB01-023-beerus can be a keep if we have our early plays along with him.

Important Matchups

Red ToPKu

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  • We're up against an aggressive deck that can go wide on the board and presents a multiple-attack threat.
  • With Whis or Hit, we're able to remove their Basil and Master Roshi.
  • Android 17 is a priority to remove off the board. The +5,000 Power boost on their Leader can be troublesome and will force more Combo plays out of us. Although 3c FB01-015-son-goku can't KO Android 17 when opponent's Leader is awakened, we'll rely dropping his Power to 0 through Leader ability and FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence.
  • FB01-023-beerus is a carry card for this matchup, allowing us to wipe out the opponent's board. However, the difficult part in this matchup is holding out until turn 5 against ToPKu.
  • Avoid dropping to two health when opponent can set up the FB02-031-ribrianne + FB02-035-glimpse-of-a-hidden-arrogance combo. It's extremely difficult to combo out of the Power boost.

Green Broly

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  • This is a ramp deck that wants to take things to the late game and start dropping the 8c FS03-10-broly-br.
  • Try to Kill 5c FB01-087-son-goku immediately before they get too much value out of him. If they haven't attacked with FB01-087-son-goku, you can deal with it by using Whis or Beerus' ability and 3c Son Goku as a follow-up.
  • Watch out for FB01-078-android-17android-18's Double Strike lethal. Avoid dropping below 3 health so you don't give them the opportunity for a full-on attack.
  • An Awakened Broly will Ramp. This means on your attack turn, you want to avoid attacking Leader Broly when he's at 4 health so they won't ramp and gain the extra energy on their upcoming turn. This could shut them from dropping a 7c FB01-140-son-gohan-childhood or an 8c FS03-10-broly-br.

Blue Vegeta

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  • Blue Vegeta has a lot of card draw value, so it can be difficult to turn them out of resources.
  • They have removal tools like FB01-068-sinister-sickle to control your board. It can hit our key 3-cost characters, shutting your mid-game plan.
  • FB02-058-vegeta is a must-remove as the Power boost he provides to Leader and himself is a threat and will force more Combo plays if you try protecting something. We can use Leader skill + FB01-015-son-goku to deal with him.

Closing Words

Red Beerus has been finding success against the ToPKu infestation in tournaments. It's one of the best decks if you're looking to go toe-to-toe against the aggressive deck in the meta. Beerus' Power reduction capabilities bring a fun playstyle that mixes both board control and aggression.

This is it from me, if you want to keep up with my content, consider following me on Twitter.


Alaa "TricksterSorry" Yassine is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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