Fusion World Blazing Aura (FB02)

Fusion World Meta Tier List – Blazing Aura (FB02) – June 2024

Best Leaders and decks ranked in the Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World - Blazing Aura (FB02) Season 2 metagame! Updated decklists with new cards.

Welcome to our Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World Meta Tier List! In this meta report, we will look at the best Leaders and decks of the Blazing Aura (FB02) Season 2 metagame.

Meta Overview

During Awakened Pulse, the game was a lot about Green, Orange, and a little of Red whenever there was a crack to be exploited. Blazing Aura completely changed that dynamic, as the two best colors from the previous expansion have gone back to the back of the line. Instead, Red, and more precisely the tournament of power synergy is calling the shots, and those are pretty simple: You can either contain their continuous pressure, or you won't go anywhere in the current metagame.

In this environment, Blue leaders have managed to make the most of the situation, leveraging their "send at the bottom of the deck" mechanic to limit the development of a red opponent, while preventing certain synergies, such as FB02-035. We aren't at a point where any blue leader posted a solid enough performance to change the global perspective, but there is hope things can change.

There is also hope the Tournament of Power (ToP) synergy might be nerfed in the near future, as many have already expressed their frustration towards playing in the current metagame. In this tier list, we don't judge the state of the game, we just try to give an objective look at it.

Objectively: FB02-001 is kicking everyone's ass right now.

DBS Fusion World Meta Tier List

Tier 1🔴 Son Goku (ToP)
Tier 2🔴 Beerus 🔽
🔵 Vegeta (Blue)
🔵 Zamasu : Fused
🔵 Trunks : Future 🔼
🟢 Cell
🔴 Son Goku (Universe 7) 🔼🔼
Tier 3🔵 Goku Black
🟢 Android 17
🟡 Frieza 🔽
🟡 Vegeta (Yellow)
Tier 4🔴 Son Goku (Starter)
🟢 Son Gohan : Childhood 🔽🔽
🟢 Broly 🔽🔽
🟡 Ginyu
🟡 Cooler

Disclaimer and Tier Explanations

Tier 1: Decks shaping up the early metagame and looking dominant in tournament so far. Their synergies are either solid overall, or match very well against a very popular opponent. Typically, other decks might think about including some sort of tech cards to edge against these builds.

Tier 2: Good decks, able to compete with the right build, but lacking a little something compared to the tier above. It can be a difficult match-up holding them back, a lack of raw power to dominate most opponents, or simply some play-patterns they can't answer efficiently.

Tier 3: Very few results in tournament play for lack of confidence from the player base, or just posting poor results so far. Decks in this last tier either haven't found their right list, or simply don't have present the same upside as the other leaders in their color.

Tier 4: Leaders there was nothing to say about this time around, due to no results in tournaments, nor interesting discussions about those in the community.

Son Goku (ToP)

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There is an ongoing debate on social media whether the leader is too much, and needs to be nerfed, or whether we need to give it more time.
If we were to look at the regional tournaments, it seems clear Goku and the rest of the cast from the tournament of power is one step above everyone else. Of the five regional tournaments played with the Blazing Aura expansion, FB02-001 won four of them, while still being the most represented leader in the fifth one's top eight.

After two weeks of tournaments, a few leaders have managed to look at least decent against this one, all of them being ranked in Tier 2. However, even if Beerus stole the win in Germany while many think blue leaders might have a good match-ups when played optimally, we still have to see any other deck post similar results to those of Goku ToP.
As such, until another leader manages to win a big one, or Goku ToP stops representing half of the leaders in top 8 or 16, it feels warranted to rank this one alone in the top tier.

Tier 2


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All the red leaders are playing a similar build, based around the Tournament of power synergy, which seems to put the color ahead of the other three in Blazing Aura. Yet, if the other two Son Gokus have not done anything significant apart from a top four at the SangSang regional, Beerus is doing much better, being the only one able to beat FB02-001 for a regional win.
The reason for it is the God of Destruction's ability when awakened, which sets it apart from the others in the color, and gives him a unique way to play red.

Through its minus 10,000 power affliction, Beerus plays a more control based game plan, looking to out value the opponent, rather than be on a clock to defeat them. Not only it is a great ability to reduce the pressure other red leaders can have on the table. The ability also helps to remove big Battle cards, that would otherwise be too imposing to take care of. In doing so, Beerus alleviates the pressure certain decks, particularly green leaders, can bring if you can't defeat them fast enough.

Combined with its critical, 20,000 power on attacks before it awakens, Beerus manages to set himself apart from FB02-001 and give red players another strong deck to consider.

Vegeta (Blue)

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Depending on whom you ask, some will prefer FS02-01 or FB02-036 to take on a red opponent. So far, the Sayan prince posted a few more top 32 placements in regional tournaments, but I believe the choice should come down essentially to your preferred play style. One could make a case for FS02-01 to be more flexible against other match-ups then red, due to being able to pressure pretty much any other leader in the game.

The important part is: No matter which of the blue leaders you decide to pick, this appears to be the color with the most upsides against FB02-001, apart from FB01-002.

The main reason for this belief are FB01-068, FB02-049 and the other control tools able to send cards back at the bottom of the deck. With those, Vegeta is able to slow the pace down on the board, while sending huge swings at its opponent turn after turn through its leader ability.
Early on, your opponent might be able to block a couple of those, but they only have so many Super Combo cards. Then, once they can't stick any battle card onto the board, and the game comes down to leader hits and who can block them, FS02-01 is in the perfect position to take home the win.

Zamasu : Fused

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Arguably the best pure control leader in the game right now, FB02-036 uses its base 25,000 base power when awakened and great defensive features to run most of its opponents out of cards. Plus, the latest addition to the blue roster benefits from a near perfect metagame to leverage its skills, as no one is building for the long game, too worried to be defeated before the game gets to that point.
Then, it is difficult to know if FB02-036 is an all around solid pick or just one benefiting from the current situation. For sure, if the environment had more of FB02-001 and FB02-070, it would be a different story. Yet, as long as the Tournament of Power will be dominant, FB02-036 should remain the go-to pick for any control aficionado.

Trunks : Future

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Due to its terrible reputation during the Awakened Pulse era, FB01-036 might not get as many chances as the other two above. Still, the leader managed to sneak in the top 16 of two regional tournaments so far, the most out of all blue leaders. I decided to rank it below FB02-001 and FB02-036 mostly due to having nothing else to show for. It might just be a lack of popularity, but Vegeta and Zamasu have plenty of smaller accomplishments on top of their regional top 32 placements.

If we look at the deck and compare it to the other two leaders above, there really isn't any significant difference in the cards each plays. As such, the choice of which blue leader to pick is mostly due to how effective you expect the leader ability to be.

FB01-036 has a great ability in a metagame with so many insanely strong 3-cost cards, it is that simple. Indeed, apart from green leaders, every other color has a very powerful card at this cost they wish to keep on the board. Then, if you ask your opponent to keep paying 3 energy to replay it, while sending it back in their hand is free, you naturally get to develop a little more than your opponent can.
Simple, yet apparently getting more and more effective as time passes and red stays on top of the metagame.


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Green is battling orange to know which is the worst color in Blazing Aura, and FB02-070 might be the tiebreaker in favor of the green gang. It probably has FB02-102 to thank for that, as the card makes FB02-070 both more resilient against aggro due to more cards in hand, but also more consistent against slower opponents.
Outside this signature card doing the heavy lifting, FB02-070 is your average green leader, based on a ramp synergy.

As you can see in the list, there isn't anything too complicated synergy wise. We're looking to safely, or quickly, get to 8 energy, before we drop FB02-084 and FS03-10 on repeat to start turning things around.
The only point of discussion could be the decision to leave out a lot of forms of removal, such as FB01-078, FB01-140 or FB01-103 to instead focus on gaining health to stay afloat with FB01-090.

Maybe when you play green, you just have to focus on your game plan, and make sure you live long enough to make it there.

Son Goku (Universe 7)

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The Universe 7 leader probably deserves to be ranked much higher on the list, but the only result it posted so far is a top 4 in the SangSang regional. Arguably, any red deck has a claim to be top 5 when playing the Tournament of power build. However, if you also take into account the fact there is another leader able to play that same list better than FB01-001, the argument could become "why bother with any of the other Red Son Goku Leaders?".

Then, depending how you look at the situation, you could consider that the Universe 7 deck is amongst the best in the game, just like any red leader in reality. Or you might think there is no point even looking at it with FB02-001 and FB01-002 available.

I like to think certain cards make this one worth considering, such as FB02-023 being a 25,000 base power 1-cost. Otherwise, yes, this is another red deck looking to leverage the mighty power of FB02-013.

Tier 3

Goku Black

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A little behind the others inside the blue color, FB01-035 doesn't like this red dominated metagame too much, as sticking a Zamasu on the board is close to missing impossible. As such, when you are super synergistic leader inside your color, and your synergy isn't suited to the current environment, you naturally fall a little behind.

Nevertheless, Goku Black still manage to reach the top 16 of one regional tournament, which means all blue leaders have a top finish already. This is a massive improvement for a color with little to offer during Awakened Pulse.


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Frieza had a decent start to Blazing Aura, winning several small tournaments when the expansion released. Unfortunately, apart from a top 32 placement in the SangSang regional, the Yellow leader has done nothing significant on the big stage, and just seems to be losing momentum as time passes.

The color managed to pick up some good cards with the expansion, such as FB02-130 or FB02-119. Yet, it is just pale in comparision of other decks picking up entire synergies, or engines able to impact the entire game.

Android 17

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We now enter the realm of leaders who have yet to do anything significant in a regional tournament, but might have won, or placed well in smaller tournaments. For example, FB01-070 got a top 2 and top 4 finish in Ultimate Battles, where over 30 players attended each time. It is nothing compared to a regional with several hundred competitors, but it is a glimpse of something at least.

As for the reason of those struggles, it just seems like the entire green color can't contain the Tournament of power onslaught if they don't have FB02-102 feeding them extra cards to block the incoming hits.

Vegeta (Yellow)

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There is very little to say about the last entry on our list, as the only reported results come from small tournaments in Japan. Due to being a new leader, there is logically more noise around this one than the others without any significant results.

To be fair, the idea behind the ability is nice, the foundations are there, with FB02-106 or FB02-137 doing great with this leader specifically. Yet, FB02-105 simply needs a little bit more support to function.

Son Goku (Starter)

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Son Gohan : Childhood

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Closing Words

The current metagame is almost entirely based around trying to find a way to fight back against the tournament of power domination. If you can doubt whether FB02-001 should be nerfed, you can't deny it is the most impactful leader in the game right now.

As such, all the rankings are naturally geared towards who is able to play against it, as particular this match-up will determine most of your tournament finishes. As time passes, the other leaders are getting refined, and manage to edge their bets a little. Yet, we aren't at a point where you can hope to get away with not facing at least 50% of FB02-001 if you decided to enter a regional tournament.

I hope this breakdown was helpful, and may you find all the success in your future tournaments, or grinding the online client when the new season hits. If you needed anything, feel free to reach out through my Twitter page.

Good Game Everyone.


Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

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