Fusion World Meta Tier List – New Adventure (FB05)

Best Leaders and decks ranked in the Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World - New Adventure (FB05) Season 5 metagame!

Welcome to our Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World Meta Tier List! In this meta report, we will look at the best Leaders and decks of the DBS Fusion World metagame.

Tier 1🔵 Satan City
🟡 Majin Buu : Evil [Guide]
🔴 Jiren 🆕
Tier 2🟡 Janemba [Guide]
🔵 Vegito [Guide] 🔽
⚫ Baby Vegeta
⚫ Gogeta [Guide] 🔽
🟢 Android
Tier 3🔴 Starter Goku Daima [Guide]
🟢 Son Goku [Guide]
Others🟢 Broly
🟡 Cooler
🟡 Vegeta 🆕

Meta Overview

Now about a month into this new set, it kind of feels like we are still in the old one really. Indeed, FB04-077 quickly took over after the new leaders got their fun in New Adventure. Plus, its biggest foes also come from previous expansion, as the two making the most of the situation are FB03-027 and FB03-001.

This doesn't mean the new leaders are bad, rather, they don't really react well when being forced to defend. Then, unless the synergy clicks and you are able to seize the lead early in a match, none of the new additions will look particularly great.

There could be some kind of loop slowly establishing itself, where FB05-025, FB05-072 or FB05-095 would excel once control oriented builds have chased FB04-077 away. So far, FB03-001 is just starting to come back, while we haven't seen any of the other 25,000 leaders. FB02-036 ended the last expansion strong, maybe it could make a comeback in this environment too.

Until this happens, it seems like the deck able to be the most explosive around turn four or five to push for the kill (FB04-077), the best deck early in a match (FB03-027) or one with a solid match-up against both (FB03-001) are the top picks in New Adventure.

Satan City

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With the game going back to something very similar to what it was during the previous set, the best deck of that era naturally rose back to its former top spot as well. What separates Satan City from the other decks is the ability to cheat energy as soon as turn one, and just run away with the game if you can't remove FB03-033 or FB03-042 in time. If you leave either on the table, your ability to explode late in the match, if you were FB04-077 or FB05-025 for example, won't matter much. Indeed, Satan City will still be high on health, and hold such a big cards differential through constantly picking some back from their drop or through FB03-052, the game is already sealed.

This is a very similar to what we saw during the previous set when Satan City countered FB04-103's early domination. This time, history repeats itself with FB04-077 in the villain's role. However, while Satan City ended the last expansion on top, it is important to note they are running no new cards, and we know their weaknesses this time. Then, with FB03-001 already back in the meta, and new synergies we can explore, I doubt Satan City will feel as untouchable as it did during the previous set.

Majin Buu : Evil

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FB04-094 plus FB04-095 is the strongest finisher in the game, combining for 5 attacks if we add the ones from our leader as well. On top of that, sometimes backed up by FB04-093, now backed up by FP-035 will force our opponent to play with a small hand, making it even harder to defend the incoming hits.

The metagame has slowed down a bit with the expansion, at least in the early turns, but features some incredible patterns later on. FB04-077 feels perfectly suited for that environment at the moment, and his popularity on the ladder proves it.

The paragraph above is what I wrote about FB04-077 when I last updated the rankings, and I believe it is still true. However, the metagame has changed since that point, with former greats making a come back, FB03-027 and FB03-001 in particular. The first one will dominate the early game to stay high on health and limit the pressure our FB04-094 plus FB04-095 brings. The second makes our repeated 20,000 and 30,000 hits not as menacing due to its 25,000 base power, although we can incorporate FB05-120 to deal with FB03-009 and improve that match-up a lot.

FB04-077 is fantastic in a diversified field. However, that field has adapted against it, and the yellow villain now needs to find how to beat its tougher match-ups to remain at the top of the food chain.


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The latest to return amongst the former dominant leaders, FB03-001 is clearly making the most of its ability to reliably beat FB04-077 and FB03-027, at least for now. Then, don't consider this ranking a testimony of raw strength, but rather FB03-001 perfectly matching the current metagame's requirement.

Due to still being on its way back, the optimal is still up in the air. For example, I like FB03-021 a lot, as it a great answer to FB03-042 on turn two. Plus, the deck doesn't really need to be aggressive, only to hold the fort against FB04-077 and FB03-027 until it can drop either FB03-009 or FB04-129 in optimal conditions. If you feel like using FB03-001 at the moment, focus on why do you want to pick it rather than the optimal list. Your target match-ups will tell you which cards are right to include.

Tier 2


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Dragon Ball Fusion World only rewards a defensive game plan if you can force your opponent to use cards when attacking, a luxury only 25,000 power leader tend to benefit from. In my opinion, this is the main reason why FB04-077 keeps being the better Yellow leader, as it is much stronger at punishing 20,000 opponents.

One thing to be excited about for FB05-072 is the return of FB03-001. That is an opponent we can more easily run out of cards, and leverage our control tool against, as those matches aren't played in as much hurry as we would against FB04-077.


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Vegito kind of feels like Satan City did for a very long time, a deck with everything to succeed, but extremely difficult to nail perfectly. For example, I will gladly accept there are plenty of ways to build this deck, with some preferring to build in a more control direction with FB01-068 or FB02-049.

In my opinion, I believe FB05-025 needs to carry that aggressive mindset, and build to be able to push for the kill once in that second part of a match. Indeed, I don't want to deal with multiple FB04-094 or watch FB03-027 rebuild their board and draw 5 cards per turn for too long.

However, I don't think the deck is necessarily in a rush to get there, and a slower start is totally acceptable. This is why the featured build includes the best cards from the Satan City deck, to get those value based early starts. In the end, it is all about awakening in the best conditions. without being forced to defend multiple hits we can't afford to accept anymore. If we can do that, the 40,000 power hits and repeated attacks from FB05-030 will take care of the rest.

Baby Vegeta

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There also are midrange builds of FB04-103 if you fancy those more. Yet, the current metagame doesn't seem to reward dragging things too much, hence why the more aggressive, Rilldo driven list is featured here. Plus, all Black decks are looking to achieve the same thing, which is stick FB03-140 to the board, protect it with FB04-114 and run away with the value created. This FB04-103 forgoes the protection part, but is much better at ending things once it managed to grab the lead.

I believe the pick of which leader, and how you build it, should mostly be decided based on your preferred playstyle and your strengths as a player at the moment.


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As expected, FB05-095 barely changed since the first days of New Adventure, so naturally lost some momentum as other decks refined their strategy. I feel like this deck has no real match-ups, as very few decks will be able to stop the perfect early draw, with FB03-140 coming down on turn three, while you have a second one in hand or FB04-114 in case the first one would stick. On the other end, if you don't draw into your signature card, the deck loses a ton of gas, and likely won't be able to beat most of the other competitive decks.

This could be a solid pick if you didn't like any of the current top picks, and would rather focus on sheer power rather than intricate match-up strategies.


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FB05-119 has become a staple in the deck, and that is about it for the Androids. Indeed, until the metagame slow downs a little, which is happening with counters to FB04-077 slowly emerging, there is little FB01-070 can do. Indeed, this isn't really a flexible proposition we have here, ramp to FS03-10 in order to take over the board and make sure your opponent can't steal the win from there.

The addition of FB05-119 gave all green decks a very strong closing potential, but you can't afford to fall too far behind in order for this card to be a real menace. Then, it is about finding FB02-077 in time to gel the deck together.

Tier 3

Goku Daima

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Red leaders don't have the same ability as the others to threaten their opponent with multiple attacks out of nowhere or insane value play patterns. Instead, Red decks rely on controlling the tempo of a match, and methodically taking away opposing cards to build their lead. In all fairness, the current red decks are great at removing said cards, so keeping the opposing board empty often isn't too much trouble. However, through focusing on that, we still allow those explosive patterns to happen, and have to be absolutely perfect to answer them, on top of the cards it will cost us to defend the incoming hits.

FB03-001 managed to contain those patterns thanks to its tanky 25,000 base once awakened. Unfortunately, FS06-01 or FB05-001 can't rely on that, and need to constantly stay in the lead to win matches. The decks are good enough to do so, but it can often lose to a bad draw, or an opponent with a very good early start that snowballs out of control.

Son Goku

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I'm truly not a believer in this new Green deck, as I feel someone who takes it slow and stays at a high health can probably tank FB05-119 at least twice. Plus, if the opponent just builds their board and forces you to drop down low on your own, they typically are perfectly positioned to milk your hand out of cards once you Awaken. One card changed my opinion a bit though -FB04-052 gives you another reason to ramp with FB05-051 or FB04-064 while bringing tons of pressure at the same time.

This is what I wrote the first time I made this report and FB05-049 honestly hasn't done anything to change my mind since. I'm happy to be proven wrong here, but the popularity of the deck has reduced, and its results and terrible match up against FB04-077 don't indicate any reason for it to go back in the near future.

Fancy testing something different? Here are some lists for other Leaders which aren't as popular, but managed to pique some player's interest lately. I am not vouching for the results of those decks, but some of these are a ton of fun to complete quests with.


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I hope this meta report about a month into the expansion helped you get an idea of what the first week in New Adventure looked like. If you needed to get in touch, for a question or if you were looking for coaching, feel free to hit me up on Discord (@den_ccg).

Good Game Everyone.


Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

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