Fusion World Meta Tier List – Ultra Limit (FB04) – Blue is the Best Color Once Again!

Best Leaders and decks ranked in the Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World - Ultra Limit (FB04) Season 4 metagame!

Welcome to our Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World Meta Tier List! In this meta report, we will look at the best Leaders and decks of the DBS Fusion World metagame.

Meta Overview

Heading into this new set, many believed the blue domination was over. Indeed, the best leader during most of Raging Roar FS02-01 has lost its touch in this new metagame, outmatched by the newcomers when it came to beating down the opponent.
It took only two tournaments for Blue to come back on top, as FB03-027 and the Satan City synergy emerged as the best deck against FB04-103, the early metagame tyrant. This was the situation at the start of the last continental tournament, held in Utrecht for the European zone.

There, many expected a three-headed monster, with FB01-070 possibly returning to benefit from the surge of blue decks. With four players on the green leader reaching the top 16 of that tournament, and two losing in the semi-finals, it is safe to say FB01-070 successed in regaining some competitive relevance. Yet, it will have to settle for second most impressive, or unexpected performer, as FB02-036 more than deserves that distinction. Indeed, with five players in the top 16, and the tournament win, the evil Kaio made sure the blue gang stayed on top of the food chain.

At the end of this packed competitive period then, the situation couldn't be better. All five colors have a strong leader to bring into a high stakes environment, and although Blue is the top color, there is an established counter in FB01-070, which itself is weak against FB04-103. Yellow and Red might still be looking for their unique edge at the moment, but are flexible enough to be build for a purpose, more than enough to bring FB04-077 or FB03-001 if you fancy playing those.

Happy Tier List Everyone!

DBS Fusion World Meta Tier List

Disclaimer and Tier Explanations

Tier 1: Decks shaping up the early metagame and looking dominant in tournament so far. Their synergies are either solid overall, or match very well against a very popular opponent.
Typically, other decks might think about including some sort of tech cards to edge against these builds.

Tier 2: Good decks, able to compete with the right build, but lacking a little something compared to the tier above. It can be a difficult match-up holding them back, a lack of raw power to dominate most opponents, or simply some play-patterns they can't answer efficiently.

Tier 3: Solid synergies but either not suited for the current metagame, or unreliable compared to other decks. The foundation is good, but the balance, or the power ceiling might be slightly worse than decks in the higher tiers. At least, this is what the results are showing currently.


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After a promising performance in Oceania, FB02-036 confirmed it is better than ever in Europe, where it took both the crown, and the honorific title of most players in the top 16.
At the moment, Zamasu is kind of the leader to beat. The blue tank gained lots of momentum on the back of a solid match-up against any aggressive strategy, while packing more than enough "Bottom an opposing card" effects to be very good against Satan City as well.

The match-up against FB01-070 is the toughest one for sure, but green leaders have a lot of match-ups to worry about so they can't build their deck to punish you specifically, opening a few spots to steal that match.

Son Goku

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While it only placed 1 player in the top 16, Satan City has become the deck to keep in mind when going into a tournament. In Europe, the deck was targeted by Yellow and Red leaders, explaining the rather disappointing performance compared to its previous two wins.
Still, even if Satan City isn't the flavor of the moment anymore, it concludes the continental tournament period with two wins, the only one to do so.

Be ready if you decide to pick up this deck though, as it is easily one of the most complicated builds to pilot in the entire game. In a metagame which adapted to make sure FB03-033 won't stay on board very long, it is up to the pilot to win a lot of those contested matches.

Tier 2

Baby Vegeta

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The arrival of FB02-036 is terrible news for FB04-103 who needs to expend many more cards as combos in order to pressure 25,000 power leaders. Combined with a difficult match-up against the other blue leader FB03-027, the best leader in the game three weeks ago now needs to rely on FB01-070 being popular to justify being picked.

At least, FB04-103 still has two lists it can use, so someone attached to that leader can pick depending on the metagame they expect. The aggro list should be better against 20,000 power opponents, especially those with limited defenses (FB01-002, FB01-070, FB03-104), while the midrange list is much more likely to steal a win against FB02-036 or FB03-001

Majin Buu : Evil

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With only one player topping in Europe, although that person came second, FB04-077 still needs to prove it can be as good as everyone says it is. Arguably, this might be the most balanced leader in the game, able to play control against aggressive opponents, pressure slower ones, and leverage discard effects and resting opposing cards to seize the board early on.

However, it is also unclear whether being a well balanced leader is such a good thing in Dragon Ball Fusion World. It probably has its upsides in the right hands, but it also requires to be able to control a lot of different factors at once. In the meantime, another leader can simply emphasizes on what it is great at, and achieve similar, if not better results.

Android 17

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The more of FB01-002 and FB04-103 aggro you see, and the less you want to play FB01-070. However, with Satan City making a big push in previous tournaments, joined by FB02-036 in Europe, FB01-070 found a great match-up to leverage. Plus, a more diverse metagame probably plays to their strengths.

The curiosity around this leader is how it will fare against Red and Yellow opponents, mostly. For the first one, the addition of FB04-073 helps a ton to remove FB03-009 before it can take over the game. In the second encounter, things are a little trickier, as the Discard and the pressure brought by FB04-094 can be problematic.

Son Goku : GT

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After the first tournament in the United States, FB03-104 lost quite a bit of momentum in favor of FB04-103. Indeed, even when it comes to midrange decks, FB04-103 often was preferred, in addition to posting the better results. Plus, Glorio feels so strong in a mirror match in which one needs the energy marker and the other doesn't.

With that said, FB03-104 isn't a bad leader at all, and might even thrive if the metagame gets slower, focusing on removing opposing threats rather than developing your own. Basically, this is the black leader you want to play if you don't expect many players to be on black in your next tournament.

Beerus / Son Goku (Mini) : DA

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FB01-002 and FS06-01 are neck and neck for best red leader at the moment, with FB03-001 knocking on that door as well, the pick ultimately coming down to which one you feel better with. Indeed, both leaders share very similar deckbuilding concepts on top of a close leader ability as well.

FB01-002 is a little less reliable due to not drawing until it awakens, but brings more pressure onto the opponent. Plus, it can use FB04-018 as a finisher. On the other hand, FS06-01 uses more midrange tools, and has more cards to play with during the course of the game.

Make your pick depending on if you feel the need to be the aggressor in the current environment, which would give the nod to FB01-002. Or prefer to play it a bit slower, able to control the pace of the game a little more, which represents FS06-01 more.


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FB03-001 was regarded as a powerhouse going into this set, with many players still calling it the best in the game. If we believe the deck's results so far, we're not even close to it. Indeed, the fact Blue and Black make quick work of FB03-009 is a big problem, while red opponents tend to remove it fairly easily as well. Add the fact even Green got FB04-073 to help with the issue, and you quickly realize only Yellow is a great match-up to go against. Unfortunately, there is nowhere near enough of FB04-077 to justify running FB03-001 over the other red leaders at the moment.

The metagame slowly shifted towards 25,000 power leaders which plays to FB03-001's strengths. In Europe, FB03-001 did post the best results amongst all red leader with a top 8. It really looks like red is a matter of prefered play style and expected metagame.

Closing Words

The metagame won't ever be perfectly balanced amongst all five colors, but this is pretty damn close. Plus, every tournament has showcased a new leader outperforming the expectations we had around it. Indeed, after Baby Vegeta dominated in the North American region, Satan City countered it in the following two tournaments, only for Zamasu and Androids to take Europe by storm.

Obviously, the pick of your leader needs to have some strategic implications. Yet, the next tournament could see a lot of them do very well, so comfort, and understanding how to edge each match-up, seems to be the key for the future of the Ultra Limit metagame.

I hope this report helped you get a better grasp of the Ultra Limit metagame. If you needed to get in touch, feel free to do so through my Twitter Page.

Good Game Everyone.


Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

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