Fusion World Meta Tier List – Raging Roar (FB03) – Draw and Pressure Are the Core of a Healthy Environment!

Best Leaders and decks ranked in the Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World - Raging Roar (FB03) Season 3 metagame!

Welcome to our Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World Meta Tier List! In this meta report, we will look at the best Leaders and decks of the DBS Fusion World metagame.

Meta Overview

After being the worst color in the game for an entire set, and just placing well in tournaments during Blazing Aura, the Blue color finally won a regional tournament, meaning all five now have a win under their belt. This is only logical as the current metagame is 4-cost focused, and Blue has plenty of tools to deal with those. In this context, both, FS02-01 and FB03-027 have managed to post great results, with the Saiyan prince finally winning the big one.

The other shift we can observe is the clear loss of momentum for Black Leaders, now that decks are prepared to deal with FB03-140. When that card doesn't stick to the board, both FS05-01 or FB03-104 aren't as scary once their draw engine is taking away from them.

Speaking of draw engine, we knew Blue Leaders had a great sustain ability through FB01-056 or the new FB03-042, while FB01-070 uses FB01-078 or FS03-10 to keep a large hand late in a match. Joining them in this category of drawing a lot of cards, and in Tier 1 as well, is FB03-001 who seems unbeatable if FB03-009 sticks to the board. The Red Leader took the win in the UK, and picked up a lot of popularity in tournament as well, so expect this 4-cost to become a new focal point in the metagame. This time, it might not be as simple to get off the board as FB03-140.

Overall, every color except Yellow is doing good currently, all of them featuring a midrange playstyle supported by a lot of draw. Blue is in the lead due to its ability to handle the key cards very well, but Red and Green have very good synergies to rely upon as well. Heading into the coming weeks, there are two pressing questions we need to figure out:

  • Can Black Leaders bounce back, or will their limited pool of cards prevent them from adapting to this new metagame?
  • Are Blue Leaders here to stay or just benefiting from a good metagame environment? We know Green Leaders are super tough opponents, but a new FS02-01 deck might have a say in that one.

Happy Tier List Everyone!

DBS Fusion World Meta Tier List

Tier 1🔵 Vegeta
🟢 Android 17
🔴 Jiren
Tier 2🔵 Son Goku
🔴 Beerus
Tier 3Son Goku : GT
🟡 Frieza

Disclaimer and Tier Explanations

Tier 1: Decks shaping up the early metagame and looking dominant in tournament so far. Their synergies are either solid overall, or match very well against a very popular opponent.
Typically, other decks might think about including some sort of tech cards to edge against these builds.

Tier 2: Good decks, able to compete with the right build, but lacking a little something compared to the tier above. It can be a difficult match-up holding them back, a lack of raw power to dominate most opponents, or simply some play-patterns they can't answer efficiently.

Tier 3: Solid synergies but either not suited for the current metagame, or unreliable compared to other decks. The foundation is good, but the balance, or the power ceiling might be slightly worse than decks in the higher tiers. At least, this is what the results are showing currently.


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A final in the UK regional and a win in Chile makes FS02-01 the legitimate top spot in the rankings. Plus, Vegeta has some room to grow in the future to rack up even more wins. Indeed, while the more traditional build around the Leader is featured here, a new list built around FB02-054 has emerged, and posted great results so far. The early consensus around this new vanilla build is that it helps against FB01-070 in particular, the most difficult match-up for FS02-01 currently. I have no doubt summoning a pair of 25,000 Power cards early in the match will greatly help that matchup, but the repercussions on the deck's strength in the other matchup is still to be determined.

Here's an example list for the "Vanilla Vegeta" deck which did great in the UK and Chile tournaments. I could only get a look at the lists from Europe so far, but will update the list in the future, as more information is shared across the community.

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Android 17

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Although the Green Leader has not won a regional tournament yet in Raging Roar (it did win an Ultimate Battle in Japan with 39 competitors, though), the current environment is fairly good for it.

First, Blue Leaders are doing great, and represent a good matchup for FB01-070. They did gain some annoying cards, such as FB03-047 for pressure or FB03-042 for refill. Yet, they still struggle against early ramp into big cards down the line. The new Vanilla build could change this dynamic, but we'll wait until that deck is more popular to give the verdict on whether it changes the green match-up for Blue Leaders.

Then, even the other colors are playing with controlling their opponent's development in mind. The other strong color, Red, relies on FB03-001 and FB01-002 almost exclusively in tournament play. These two can bring the heat, but aren't looking to solely focus on pressure, which gives a Green deck a bit more time to develop.

Lastly, the Yellow color as a whole seems to be struggling in Raging Roar, as none of those Leaders have posted a top 8 so far. In Blazing Aura, FS04-01 felt almost unbeatable at times for a 20,000 Power Green Leader, so its absence can only be positive for FB01-070.

With this in mind, I believe the Android synergy is a great one currently, able to leverage the current metagame to showcase its strengths. One important thing though, is the need to run FB01-089 in this metagame infested with incredible 4-cost cards. Against Black or Red in particular, this card goes a long way into removing FB03-009 or FB03-140, limiting your opponent's ability to snowball before you get to your big cards.


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After a quiet first week, FB03-001 stepped up and won the UK regional, with a little help from a couple of Blue players, nicely giving him the win in their encounter. Even then, the new Red Leader still managed to have two players in the top eight of that tournament, something only two Leaders managed to do.

Strategy wise, FB03-001 doesn't follow the path Broly or Zamasu paved in the first two expansion, as defending is simply too difficult right now. Instead, the Red Leader looks to build tempo the same way Beerus does, removing opposing cards while keeping the opposing Leader on its toes. Once in the lead, FB03-001 has plenty of power cards to rely on, either to push for the kill with FS01-08 buffed by FB03-022, or build its card advantage through FB03-009.

This last card is the bread of butter of the deck, and the ability your opponent has to remove it will go a long way into determining how good or bad the matchup is. Right now, it seems like the card has a good chance to stay against a Green and Yellow opponent, while Blue and Red (especially FB01-002) can remove it without the K.O. triggering. Black only has FB03-125 to send it back in hand, but it can represent a significant tempo loss still.

Currently, FB03-001 is held back by the rise of the Blue crew, hence why I couldn't rank it higher, even with a win this past weekend. I expect more players to play with FB03-001 in the near future, which should help assess the real power level of FB03-001 in the current metagame.

Tier 2

Son Goku

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After testing it extensively during the first week, the Satan City synergy didn't impress me as much as I expected it to, feeling too high roll based in a game with plenty of good decks available. However, the new Blue Leader keeps posting solid results with the deck, so it must be doing something right. If it had reached a final of a regional tournament, it could have claimed a spot in the tier above. Unfortunately, it was another blue leader who stole the show this weekend in FS02-01.

Considering there is another blue leader posting great results, it is difficult to know where to position the Satan City deck currently. Indeed, if the best part of the deck are the strong standalone inclusions such as FB02-139 or FB03-047, then, one might as well play FS02-01 in a competitive environment. Even FB03-039 isn't attached to the Satan City deck, as its synergy with FB02-061 makes it a good fit for any blue list.
The one edge to playing this deck specifically then is to leverage FB03-050 to create a lot of tempo, and synergize with FB03-027 leader ability to rest a card for a 10,000 defensive buff.

This situation is kind of reminiscent of what happened in the Yellow color during Blazing Aura. You have good synergies available to build around, but there is a Leader which isn't as demanding in terms of deckbuilding, so it will almost often be correct to play that one alongside the best cards in your color.


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After a commanding first week, the Black color was adapted against, particularly with Blue Leader easily removing FB03-140, and it became a completely different story. Indeed, FS05-01 went from a mirror match in the finals of a regional tournament to only one competitor making it into the top eight this weekend.

This is the consequence of being too predictable due to a smaller pool of cards available. Unless you are completely cracked like FB02-001 was in the previous set, making it impossible to defend against, the metagame will find a way to beat you as your future opponents know exactly what to expect. For FS05-01, it was about handling its 4-cost card immediately, and it made a world of differences.


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In the previous two sets, FB01-002 took it slow early to become one of the best in the game later in the expansion cycle. There is a small difference though, as both times, the Red Leader had good matchups to leverage, particularly FS04-01. This time, apart from FB03-001 whom you can easily remove its signature FB03-009 from the board, there aren't so many great match-ups around.

Blue isn't favored, while Green requires to bring a lot of pressure, something the deck isn't particularly built for, while yellow doesn't exist. It really is about how much of Black and other Red Leaders you can face in order to make a case for FB01-002.

Tier 3

Son Goku : GT

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With no placing in a top eight tournament this past weekend, both Black Leaders fell down a tier, victim of their inability to adapt due to having only so many cards to pick from. Unless a player finds a twist to make FB03-104 better than its dad inside the black color, it almost looks like the deal is sealed for this one in Raging Roar.


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Yellow is the only color missing a top 8 appearance in major tournaments in Raging Roar, in large part due to the 20,000 Power cards not bringing enough pressure anymore. With blue leaders on the rise, it is harder to stick your battle cards on the table with FB03-039 in every deck. Plus, red leaders aren't particularly better, as FB01-002 got better at summoning FB01-023 and Jiren is basically a nightmare with a 25,000 base power and FB03-009 a must remove.

Yellow did get better, as the additions of FB03-093 and FB03-089 will help bring some 25,000 Power hits. Still, I mostly included FS04-01 in order to feature a Yellow Leader on the list. Otherwise, Yellow is in dire need of the Android to be super popular, or the barrier keyword to carry you against the other colors. Black is fine to go against, which was the bright spot during week one. Unfortunately, the new color lost some momentum in the second regional tournament, reducing even more the match-up spread for Yellow Leaders.

Closing Words

In order to do well right now, a deck needs to be able to bring some pressure onto its opponent, and have a solid draw support system to keep the lead durably. If we look at the three leaders leading the rankings, they are the ones with the best draw capacity, coupled with a good ability to bring the pressure onto their opponent once awakened.

Another thing to note is the slow shift from the 20,000 Power threshold to 25,000 as time passes. First, the Android synergy has proved to be the new king at summoning 20,000 Power cards, so we need 25,000 to bring some pressure without giving them free attacks onto our battle cards the following turn. Then, that threshold is also necessary to pressure FB03-001 consistently.

With this in mind, the vanilla synergy around FB02-054 is gaining some momentum in blue, while it would explain why the Yellow color is struggling so much in Raging Roar, unable to utilize the Ginyu Force synergy for pressure anymore.

I hope this report helped you get a better grasp of the early metagame for Raging Roar. If you had any question, feel free to reach out through my Twitter page.


Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

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