Red Goku Universe 7 Deck Guide (FB02)

Learn how to play Goku Universe 7 in Fusion World with our in-depth guide.

Goku Universe 7 is an aggressive deck that uses, well, from the name of it, Universe 7 Battle Cards as part of its game plan. This is an aggressive deck, capable of going wide on the board and unleashing a barrage of attacks.

I've picked up Goku7 for my ranked ladder climb and have found success with this list. So I'll go through everything I've learned, explain the game plan, various cards to include, and how to approach different matchups.

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Leader Goku's strength lies once awakened, giving all Universe 7 Battle cards a +5,000 Power boost. This means the list needs to have as many Universe 7 Battle cards as possible.

Goku Universe 7 is an aggressive deck that looks to Awaken Goku as fast as possible to access that 5,000 Power boost. With a wide board of attackers, the Power boost will force more Combo resources out of opponents.

To ensure your Leader awakens, the list includes a couple of Battle cards that can damage your own leader, allowing you to self-awaken and start your aggressive game plan.

If the swarm of attacks isn't enough to close out the game, a 5c FS01-08-son-goku should be enough to seal the deal with a Double Strike attack.

Early Self Awaken

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You heavily rely on FB01-001-son-goku awakening to start unleashing a barrage of powerful attacks that force Combo cards out of the opponent. The earlier we get to Awaken our Leader, the more pressure we're able to impose on the opponent. There are also certain situations where an opponent might try to delay your Awaken, so the Self-Awakeners will be a must!

1-cost Attackers

[cards]FB02-023-frieza, FS01-10-tien-shinhan" data-atts='[]'>

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Our 1-cost attackers present a threat that forces Combo plays out of opponents to protect their Leader. Although these are early Battle Cards, we're not going to attack with them until the late game. We still want to force opponents to attack our Leader early on instead of giving them a free attack on a rested 15,000 Power Battle Card.

With FB01-001-son-goku's Awakened Power boost, these 15,000 Power Battle Cards become 20,000 Power, meaning they can damage an Awakened Leader. FB02-023-frieza goes the extra mile, gaining another 5,000 Power just seeing your Leader Awakened.

More Boosts

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Tournament of Power Arena can slow down your board development but the +5,000 Power every turn will be worth it in the long run. You can also opt to use the Power boost defensively rather than offensively, helping you keep things alive without expending Combo cards.

The choice you'll make on whether you want to use it offensively or defensively will depend on the matchup and the state of the game. If we want to force more Combo plays from opponent, then giving it a Power boost to a 25,000 Power attacker could force a Super Combo.

If we opt to drop FB01-032-tournament-of-power-arena over our 2-cost Battle Cards like FB01-021-hit or FS01-07-android-18, we'll fall behind on board development, but we're forcing opponent to attack our Leader, helping us awaken him faster.

Turn 3 Plays

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All of these turn 3 cards are self awakeners, so they can help us speed up our Leader's Awaken.

If we're looking to remove things off the board, then FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence or FB01-015-son-goku are the go-to plays. If there's a 20,000 Power Battle Card we want to remove, FB01-015-son-goku can KO it on the spot. Combo FB01-015-son-goku with FB01-004-whis or FB01-021-hit's power reduction and we're not removing a 25,000 Power Battle Card.

FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence is more suited when there's a rested Battle Card on the board that you're able to attack. The -15,000 Power makes it a piece of cake for you to KO it. If you have a FB01-004-whis or FB01-021-hit on the board, we're able to remove a 20,000 Power Battle Card without having to attack it.

FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence self damages our Leader while attacking. So if we're at 5 health and FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence goes for the attack, we can drop to 4 health, awaken our Leader, and give FB02-018-son-gohan-adolescence a +5,000 Power boost to add more pressure.

FB02-015-android-17 enables stronger attacks with your Leader thanks to the +5,000 Power boost he's providing. Usually, you'll avoid attacking with him to keep opponent from easily KOing him and removing that Power boost. Since the Power boost sticks on our defensive turns, it becomes exceptionally difficult for opponent to get their attacks on your Leader through. This makes it easier for you to Combo out of certain attacks and could force offensive Combo plays from opponent.

The Heavy Hitters

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4c FB01-139-son-goku can get a hit on their Leader through other means. Reducing the Power of one of the opponent's rested Battle cards and targeting it with Son Goku can threaten to KO a Battle card and damage their Leader. This might force more Combo plays out of them, expending card resources and making it easier for you to get other attacks through.

5c Son Goku acts as your finisher play. You want your opponent down to 2 health and the Double Strike attack should do the job. In most cases, you'll opt to go for a full-on attack, using up your Combo cards if you feel it's enough to close out the game. If you're at 6 Energy, you can give Son Goku a Power boost with FB01-030-assemble-representatives-of-universe-7.

Techs and Options

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Frost is more of a meta call if Yellow decks are getting popular. He's Universe 6 so he won't benefit from Goku's +5,000 Power boost, but the ability to shut down a swarm of 20,000 Power attackers can be enough to win you games.

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A Power boost that you'll usually use as a finisher play with FS01-08-son-goku. The Power reduction could be used to remove a potential 5,000 Power Combo card on the board or to weaken a Battle Card to attack and KO. It can also be used on defensive turns to protect your Leader or key cards.

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This is a tech card to have a board wipe play against ToPKu decks. You do have to discard a card from hand to activate the effect, but FB01-023-beerus is threatening a Critical attack.

General Tips

  • Your main goal is to put as much pressure as possible in the mid-game and force out the opponent's Combo cards. This makes it easier for you to finish the game with 5c FS01-08-son-goku.
  • If possible, protect key Battle cards like FB01-139-son-goku and FS01-08-son-goku since they're pretty difficult for opponents to deal with and pose a threat on offensive turns.


Look for early cards like Master Roshi or Whis to start your turns. Turn 2 plays like FB01-021-hit and FB02-015-android-17 are great to start your early game. Any of your turn 3 plays to keep the aggression going.


Red ToPKu

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  • This will be a tough matchup since ToPKu can match our aggression and even go wider than us.
  • Our attackers are packing more punch and will force out more Combo plays from opponent.
  • The fact that their Leader needs to drop to 3 health to Awaken, could set us up for a barrage of attacks to drop them to 2 health and use FS01-08-son-goku as the finisher.
  • FB02-015-android-17 is a must-card for us to remove. The +5,000 Power boost to their Leader is a problem we don't want to deal with throughout the game.

Green Gohan

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  • The plan is to go wide on the board and start swinging aggressively on their Leader.
  • Protect your Battle cards early on with Combo cards. You want to unleash more attacks on them before they get to play FB01-078-android-17android-18.
  • FB01-087-son-goku is a problem since he allows Leader Gohan to activate his ability with no downside. We'll not reduce his power by 5,000 through Whis or Hit so FB01-015-son-goku can KO him.

Red Beerus

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  • It's a difficult matchup since Beerus' 20,000 Power can pick off your attackers easily.
  • 5c Beerus can wipe out most of your board. Make sure to get the most out of your attackers before they have 5 Energy.

Yellow Cooler

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  • Cooler decks can go wide on the board and match your aggression. However, your attacks pack a heavier punch with Leader Goku's ability. You'll end up forcing more Combo resources out of them.
  • If you're running Frost in the list you can shut down most of their attackers and dominate the game.
  • They have self-awakening Battle cards like FS04-12-frieza.
  • Watch out for a double FB01-129-frieza with Cooler's ability.
  • You mustn't allow them to win the board's presence. Focus on KOing their rested Battle cards and weakening their upcoming turn.

Blue Goku Black

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  • They'll focus on KOing your Battle cards over your Leader. Goku's Leader effect can be brutal for them.
  • They want to prolong the game until Goku Black drops on the board and they start the outvalue plan.
  • Set an aggressive mid-game, you want to close out the game before they outvalue you.

Closing Words

Goku Universe 7 is one of my best decks for a serious ladder climb. Every matchup feels winnable if you manage to build up the board and awaken Goku as soon as possible, you'll stomp most of the decks you go up against.

This is it from me! Hopefully, you found the guide useful, I'll see you in the next one!


Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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