Starter Deck -Vegeta- [FS02]

Vegeta Starter Deck (FS02) Guide

The Blue Vegeta Starter Deck could be the best one out of the first four! Learn about how to play and upgrade the deck in this guide.

Blue is regarded as the weaker color so far in Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World, which naturally might make FS02-01-vegeta looks like a bad Starter Deck to pick. To some extent, this limitation is real, as except for FB01-035-goku-black, which benefits from a signature synergy, FB01-036-trunks-future and Vegeta are struggling to scale their power level as decks get refined.

Then, if you intend to invest money into the game, and quickly play with a full collection, Blue might not be the color you want to go with. However, for anyone looking to simply get started, and play in a more relaxed environment, without a mindset driven by competition, Vegeta is a great starter.

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Just like other starters, the basic deck has some rough angles, and a few clunky synergies. Once we add the second Starter Deck to the equation, Vegeta immediately gets to another gear. This is kind of the upside to not having too much ability to scale with Booster Pack cards, we have most of what we need in the Starter Deck. Then, even if there were some rarer cards I wish I had, Vegeta immediately gives you the possibility to play with a well-rounded deck, focused on awakening fast and pressuring the opponent constantly.

Base Deck and Immediate Improvements

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Vegeta's Starter Deck easily is one of the best ones to start with, as you already have four copies of an excellent card: FS02-06. However, if the deck can benefit from the limits of the other starter decks to rush them down in the starter deck metagame, it is a different story once they have access to stronger cards early in the match.

As such, I would highly recommend purchasing a second copy of the Vegeta Starter Deck, so you can have four copies of the other important cards: FS02-13, FS02-03, FS02-09 and FS02-15.

Build With Two Starter Decks

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With all cards we want available in four copies, the deck packs a nice punch, particularly in the later stages of the match where FS02-03 and FS02-13 should be available when we need them. It can focus on two types of cards:

1. Those aimed at gaining the upper hand early on, which is really what this deck aims to do. In that phase, our goal is to build as big of a lead as possible before we push to awaken the opposing hero. Ideally, we also want to awaken our leader too during this time.

Once the opponent is awakened, we want to switch to cards such as FS02-09, FS02-07 (balance the amount with FS02-04 depending on combo need, and how many Brolys you go against) and cards at 25,000 power or more in general. FS02-13 will be our finisher, which we can drop and massively buff once the opponent has two health points remaining.

2. Cards with a 10,000 combo power, to make sure we can control the battle phase, the core of this deck's strategy. Here,FS02-03 is key to grab Son Goten and Trunks back in hand, providing 15,000 to 20,000 power worth of combos when played. FS02-15 will also shine in that phase, as once we have four or five energy, it is pretty simple to keep one up, unless we went for the kill with FS02-13.

Overall, the deck isn't a difficult one to understand, which is what makes it simple to pick up and play. However, once you start playing against decks with rarer cards, you will definitely need some help from certain booster pack cards.

Great Booster Pack Cards to Strengthen the Deck

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With FS02-03 being one of our key cards, the super rare Goku Black can find some synergy in our deck. We certainly don't want four copies of this, but one or two can give a nice kick to our late game potential, especially if FS02-13 doesn't have nice targets in the metagame.

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25,000 power and the Blocker ability is massive to protect our cards with attacking or "Your Turn" abilities and reinforce our position early in the match. Plus, we can also use it to protect our leader in matches against another aggressive deck at times. The only downside is the 5,000 combo power.

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An aggressive deck doesn't like having its cards taken out while they rest. Well, this one solves the problem, and has enough power to pressure an awakened leader as well. Definitely would play it instead of Son Goku : Adolescence.

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A cheap FS02-03 if you will, as it allows you to get Trunks : Youth (1) or Son Goten (1) back in hand to get more card to use for combos. Late in the match, just play this before attacking, and use it as combo to boost your card once you got the draw, or consider this a 20,000 combo card as you can just pick up another 10,000 power with it.

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The promo card is difficult to get, but well worth it in an aggressive deck, as it represents a great building block early in the match. Indeed, it will pressure the opposing leader, can't be attacked with the base 15,000 power, while also throwing their 2-cost back in hand. It has no combo power, but we'll manage.

Ideal List for Vegeta

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Game Plan and Strategy

When playing with Vegeta as your leader, your goal should be to end the game around turn six, with an even more aggressive mindset against a leader like Broly, because of their great late game potential. Most of the time, you should aim to be pushing for the win with a FS02-13 on turn five or six if things went well, a turn later otherwise. Thanks to the double hit, you only have to set your opponent's leader to two health before you can go for the kill, denying them to draw one of their health cards in the process.

Energy wise, we are aiming to get to five, possibly six if we want to have a spare energy for Galick Gun or another cheap spell. Above that number, you need a specific reason, such as completely dominating your opponent in the card advantage battle, and setting up to play lots of 2 and 3-costs to push with next turn.

Early on in the match, you want to awaken as fast as possible with this deck, as Vegeta hits like a truck once flipped. Then, abuse FS02-06 and Trunks; Youth (2) to get your life down to four early, and let your opponent hits get through if that can help as well. Plus, you get cards to use as Combo, or to keep gaining energy.

Later on, we will rely on FS02-03 and FS02-13 to pressure the opponent, as the 4-cost keeps feeding us combo cards to use, while the 5-cost double strike is a big threat to our opponent.
Most of the time, we should be the aggressor in the late portion of the match. Yet, if we have a few Gotenks, or play against an opponent we know doesn't have a big bomb we can't handle. Switching to an attrition battle isn't completely out of the picture.

Closing Words

I would recommend Vegeta for most players with little or no card game experience, or those who enjoy a fast-paced strategy, and bringing the heat onto their opponent. On average, my games with Vegeta have ended around turn six or seven. The key revolves around taking the lead in the first three turns, pushing your opponent to use their combo cards in order to build some card advantage. Then aggressively go for the win before they can leverage their awakened leader for too long.

In that sense, Vegeta the leader feels very true to the manga character, as it tries to dominate, constantly push its opponent to be on the defensive, and capitalizes on any little mistake they could make.

I hope this guide was a nice first look at the blue starter deck. We will have similar pieces for every leader in the game, so you can make an educated choice on which you want to invest into before spending money, or in game currency. I wish you a lot of fun on Dragon Ball Super Fusion World, and feel free to reach out for any question you might have, in the comment section or through my Twitter page.

Good Game Everyone.


Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

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