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Still based around the new Dragon Ball Daima series, New Adventure (FB05) is the fifth set of Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World, bringing a new Leader and over 20 cards for each of the five colors. Naturally, the new Leaders will be the center of attention when the expansion goes live on February 14, 2025, so let's see what can be built around them.
In this batch of new Leaders, we have three synergistic Leaders, looking to push a specific game plan. FB05-001 will focus on cards with <DA> in their name. FB05-025 want you to fill your drop with at least 20 cards to enable powerful abilities. FB05-049 will play with fire, looking to drop to a low life total in order to unlock great card effects. Joining them are more generic Leaders, based on their color signature synergy: FB05-072 with some rest mode shenanigans and FB05-095 guaranteeing you the energy marker every turn.
I have crafted a deck for each Leader to discuss their potential. At the moment, very little testing is possible, so most of the decks you will see online are theorycraft decklists waiting to be put to the test. As usual, not only the raw power of a synergy, but also the metagame will impact its effectiveness, so we will definitely need to tweak once we can play for real.
Red returns to become an aggressive color in New Adventure.
While FB03-001 was a control based Leader and FB01-002 could be considered a midrange with some aggressive tendencies, there is little doubt FB05-001 will be looking to bring some pressure.
At the core of the deck is the new FB05-006, a card able to attack twice, lower the Power of your opponent's Leader, and represent a target for our own Leader's ability. Once the opponent is Awakened, there is little doubt we will be looking to close the game rather quickly, and this is the perfect tool to do so. Speaking of closing the game, the new Leader will also be able to rely on FS06-06 as a double striker. Typically, FS01-08 was the preferred option, but the extra +10,000 Power with our Leader ability beats the slightly better ability attached to the other card.
FB03-013 and FB03-015 are the other two cards I like a lot from this expansion in this deck. Back in the Universe 7 days, 1-cost cards rising to 20,000 Power unlocked explosive turns, and this deck should have multiple occasion to fit the cheap FB03-013 alongside another card to maximize energy usage. As for the other Panzy : DA card, she might not draw 2 very often, as many colors have ways to deal with a 20,000 Power card without KO'ing it. Still, forcing the opponent to go out of their way to remove that card should force some removal before FB05-006 hits the board, or give us initiative going into the next turn.
Notable other powerhouses able to bring some pressure are FB04-012 and FB03-022. The first failed to gain much momentum in the previous expansion, but the Red color as a whole didn't do so well overall. With a Leader based on beating down your opponent, this 30,000 attacker for just 2 Energy should feel right at home in this deck. As for FB03-022, she remains an incredible boost to any card, acting as an offensive super combo.
Rounding out the deck as simply strong Red cards we have seen in all the decks from that color in the past. They should be the main considerations when it comes to swaps if we wanted to include other tools, but I like strong standalone cards that have proved their worth as a starting point.
Green finally gets a different playstyle!
After Piccolo miserably failed to bring some aggressiveness into the Green gang, we have been with playing Androids for the past three expansions. I feel this archetype's success will be tied to the structure of the future metagame, as many aggressive decks could be too punishing for a deck looking to constantly stay at two or three life cards. Nevertheless, I love the design here, and can't wait to slam
Our Leader doesn't really let us pick if we want to discard a card or not, and isn't drawing when attacking once Awakened. Combined, these factors pressed me to build in a high tempo oriented direction with a lot of card draw. Then, I built this deck with the intent to seize initiative early one, particularly thanks to our multiple incredible 3-cost cards, now that FB04-064 is joined by FB05-054 and FP-034. We will have to drop to 2 life whether we like it or not with this deck, so I plan to do it with as little pressure as possible on my opponent's side of the board. Once back at 3 life through our Leader's ability, there aren't many decks able to kill us without anything on the board at the start of the turn, especially if we have a large hand.
To guarantee we get enough cards to defend ourselves once in the danger zone, we can rely on the FB02-098 synergy and FB05-070. While the latter is just incredible value for 1 energy, which we can get back through FB02-085, it is the arrival of FB05-062 and FB05-056 which allows us to run FB02-098.
Apart from these two key areas, the rest of the deck is help to Awaken and support spells to push for the kill or defend a heavy blow.
Blue will land heavy blows once more!
Since Satan City and FB02-036 took over from FS02-01 in the last set, Blue has been playing a different game in Fusion World. No more huge Leader hits, instead replaced with a methodical control of the card flow. There is a real chance the new Leader flops, as it is clearly the most ambitious one of this new bunch. Also, it is the archetype I have seen the most diverse way of building around when checking what everyone posted already. As such, FB05-025 comes in with the most refinement needed, and the most to prove overall. Still, I'm excited to try to land some 40,000 Leader hits, reminiscent of Blue decks during Blazing Aura and Raging Roar.
At the core of this deck naturally are all the Vegito cards we have available in the game. I didn't include FB04-046 because I really think this card is way too slow, and too easy to remove at 15,000 power. As for FB02-061, I like that card a lot, but went with FP-010 as it fit the way I wanted to draw cards more, through FB01-062.
In order to get cards in our drop, we can use two different means: Abilities doing it for us, or using cards in our hand as combo. They gave us a lot of support for the first way, but I don't like how most of them are weak when it comes to their presence on the board. As such, I decided to stay with the best blue cards in the game (FB01-056 and FB03-042) and just use my cards to get them to the drop.
Once I realized that, combined with the fact most Vegito cards send opposing cards back to their owner's hand, I decided to build around FB01-062 for card draw. This leads to a deck based on drawing a lot while sending opposing cards back in hand, and naturally using 10 cards to get to 20 in Drop once Awakened.
In doing so, we escape the need to play an aggressive Blue deck, which I believe won't work even with a leader hitting for 40,000. Here, my goal is to be able to control the pace, and just like FS02-01 in the past, hit like a truck every turn until my opponent is tired of it. If I need to be aggressive, for example against a Green Ramp deck, or if my opponent accepts a couple of hits after they are awakened, FB02-139 and FB04-130 can be tutored with FB02-047 and still represent heavy hitters.
Plus, we also have what I believe could end up the best card in the entire expansion, FB05-046, in order to push for lethal late in the match. Indeed, the card has the Earthling tag, so we can get it back with FB01-056 and FB03-042 to keep granting 15,000 power to our attackers.
Yellow goes back to its roots with New Adventure!
First, I would like to say it is entirely possible FS04-01 ends up as the best Yellow leader this expansion, going full circle after its dominant run a year ago. Indeed, both the new and the original Yellow leaders share common synergies, so the tiebreaker might go to whether resting opposing cards, or turning our own back to active mode is stronger. Also, FB04-077 should remain a solid Leader as well, meaning Yellow looks quite flexible heading into New Adventure.
Let's focus on the new FB05-072 now, and talk about the biggest challenge with the card: How to optimize our turn to make the most of its ability? Getting two energy back is a lot of extra tempo available, but that means forgoing a draw. On the other hand, we could also play slower, resting opposing cards to limit our opponent's presence on the board and get that draw.
Switching from one to the other mode is how we make FB05-072 shine. If we are ahead, developing two 3-cost cards with just 4 energy can be extremely difficult to answer for our opponent. And that is just using our leader's ability, we aren't factoring in the extra Energy from FB05-080 or FB05-084 to create even more explosive turns. If we feel like we can win the long game, we also have great cards to support that plan. The new FB05-120 obviously, telling our opponent they basically can't expect to keep a 4 or 5 cost card on the board until they found a way to remove a 30,000 barrier battle card. Yet, we also have plenty of draw support in the yellow arsenal with FB05-083, FB05-076 or FB04-093.
I like the look of this new Yellow deck a lot. It looks super flexible, both in terms of deck building or in game, so I expect to see it part of the future metagame, as it can adapt to many situations. Except if another Yellow Leader is stronger, making the others useless to run, FB05-072 will be part of this New Adventure expansion.
Gogeto, the most obvious Black leader!
One of my best friends is a huge Dragon Ball fan, he has played all the possible games around the franchise. We always knew Gogeta will come in the game, and he always told me that character has broken every game he has been a part of. Needless to say, I was a little disappointed when I saw its ability, which could be considered the easiest to design for a black Leader. So far, the few people who have played with the cards, either on online simulators or using proxies, all said FB05-095 felt strong. Yet, I'm afraid it might follow the same path as FB04-103 in the previous set: A very strong opener due to a color being quite easy to built around, only to be relegated once the others managed to refined their build.
Let's be honest, if anyone wanted to rush to the God rank on the digital client, I would likely tell them to start with FB05-095. First, Black has been a solid color in both the previous sets. Also, the deck kind of builds itself, with only a couple of cards up for debate.
We definitely want to build around the "Another World" synergy as FB05-107 can fetchFB05-100 and the Super Combo FB05-103. They also gave us a cantrip in FB05-114 so what's more to ask. We can play around with the other cards, but those 16 are set in stone. Then, we naturally want the energy marker synergy as well, as our leader pushes for that, which leaves us with very little wiggle room overall. In the end, I only added FB04-104 because I love this card, but we could bump other cards to another copy and not even run that.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying this deck is perfect, nor that I landed the perfect FB05-095 build. Yet, compared to the other four colors, this deck feels much harder to get wrong. In comparison, Green and Blue are doing completely new things we will have to learn how to play on top of refine for the metagame. Yellow returns to be a flexible resource based strategy, meaning we have a billion ways to build it. Lastly, Red could be considered another easy one to build, but we haven't seen an aggressive deck do well in a very long time so there is some interrogation on its potential. In this mix, Black simply plays the synergy it has been very successful with over the past two expansions, and adds some "Another World" synergy, which got a cantrip (drawing a card), a super combo, a searcher able to hit Awakened heroes and a 5-cost bridging it with the energy marker synergy.
Closing Words
What I love the most about this set is the diversity amongst all five Leaders. FB05-049 and FB05-025 bring something completely different to their respective colors. FB05-072 represent a flexible foundation we can build in various direction depending on the metagame. Lastly, FB05-001 and FB05-095 should be easier to build early on, for those looking to quickly get a refined deck.
I can't wait to open some packs and start playing this New Adventure!
Good Game Everyone.