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FB05-025 is the most talked about Leader in New Adventure (FB05), both because it brings a new way to play Blue, and due to its build still being up in the air. So far, we have identified the Leader's biggest strength: Unmatched hitting ability. Indeed, through the 40,000 Power attacks by FB05-025 once Awakened, and the flexibility provided by the arsenal of Blue cards, the doubters (myself included) can start kicking themselves.
Please note: We are still early in the expansion, so there are various ways to build around each Leader at the moment. Particularly when it comes to flexible or support cards, there are various options depending on preferences or popular opponents. As such, it is important to understand the concepts a deck is trying to push, rather than nitpick on each of the 51 cards, at least until the metagame settles a bit more.
FB05-025 has one goal in mind: Be able to turn on the pressure and force the opponent to be reactive. Eventually, this Leader needs to Awaken to unlock most of its synergies. However, if we go too fast and rush to four health, we become a target for our opposing cards, which will force a lot of resources out of our hand to stay alive. As such, we need to Awaken in a position of strength, when the opponent has to figure how they will deal with our 40,000 Leader attacks alongside our battle cards.
To build this position of strength, we will use two leverages: Cards in hand, and must remove cards on the table.
Not many Leaders can hang with FB05-025 on the long run, as the repetitive Leader attacks require way too many cards to be blocked for many turns. Then, we can expect our opponent to plan for the kill rather quickly once both Leaders are Awakened. The cards in hand will ensure we can defend the incoming hits without feeling pressured, while having dangerous battle cards on the board forces our opponent to take care of them before targeting our Leader.
Typically, our 4-cost cards such as FB05-040 and FB03-039 represent a lot of pressure with their 30,000 Power. FB03-042 or FB05-030 are equally scary, the first being a value engine while the other can gain Double Strike and push for the kill at any time.
In my opinion, we can consider we managed to build that position of strength once we managed to stick one of these cards on the board. From there, the opponent will be forced to take action, and spend cards to buff their attacks, or use extra cards that do not build their side of the board.
This allows us to step on the gas pedal, and use our tempo or cards lead to push even more. Plus, we are playing a blue deck, so we have plenty of ways to get cards back in order to support our attacks.
Key Cards
1. Tempo Enablers
I haven't seen many cards running this card so far, but FB03-042 is too good to pass on in my opinion. Not only we gained FB05-046 as another incredible card to fetch, FB03-042 gives us the option to take it slow early on while the other 2-cost cards entice us to Awaken.
Still a remarkable card two expansions later in order to get the board under control heading into the mid-game, I could consider running only three copies, but that's about it.
Late in the match, when both players are trying to milk their opponent of their cards to go for the kill, FB05-040 ensure you don't have to worry about 2 or 3 cost cards getting you in range of a Double Strike attack.
If you managed to Awaken fast, you can also bounce back opposing 4-cost cards to seize the board and force the opponent into a reactive stance.
2. Help to Reach 10 Cards in Drop
This is a good Vegeta to make FB05-041 reliable, on top of a strong synergy with the deck. Yet, the fact you have to attack with the card to get either the card from your life or three cards to your drop isn't ideal, as it could be removed before you use it.
The 10,000 Combo Power makes this card great overall, as you can just use it for support late in the match if you didn't need it anymore.
Our finisher when granted Double Strike, this card can also be a fine play on turn 3 to get cards into our drop. If removed, we can get it back later anyway.
Drawing cards gives us gas to Combo during battle, which still is the simplest way to get our cards to our drop. I am playing at least six as these two are my go-to first turn, could bump them to seven if I was missing a card.
3. Value Tools
This card is bonkers and the reason we don't need to run big finishers in the deck. Whether you use it to buff FB05-030, enable FB01-056 and FB05-041 to attack into an Awakened Leader or defend a 30,000 attack, this card rarely disappoints.
It's 2025, the game celebrated its first anniversary, and players are still asking when this could become a limited card. Play four FB01-056 in all your Blue decks.
It is pretty simple to buff this card to attack onto an Awakened Leader, and then grab either FB05-030 to go for the win, or 20,000 Combo Power to use in future battles.
Other Cards to Consider
This could be another Son Goku to target with FB05-038 or FB05-048 as you need it to be a 3-cost. Likely a great card to replace a Super Rare I would be missing in the deck.
A nice control tool to remove a cheap card from your opponent early, in addition to setting FB03-039 up perfectly.
Some extra help to get cards in your drop to get to 20, which you can grab back with FB01-056 or FB03-042 later. I could see it replace FS02-08 although I like to draw cards rather than just moving them around.
A solid tool to buff attacks and get extra value (attack with FB01-056 buffed by FB05-046 for 20k, then pull it back in hand) or get rid of certain problem cards (hello FB04-114). Unfortunately, we aren't playing Satan City, so we don't always have the energy to spend for it.
A big finisher isn't a bad idea, but playing cards as one of tends to just get them in our drop most of the time. Four copies of our synergistic cards just looks more suited for this deck.
A decent synergy in the deck as you can use FB05-046 to attack for 20,000 and then summon a Vegeta to land another hit, I just prefer FB05-041 to fetch cards from my drop.
A good control tool you can get back from your drop with FB05-038 if you need to buy yourself a bit of time. it makes the list slower but more flexible as well.
Tips and Tricks
- See this deck as a two-faceted build. Early on, you are playing a Blue deck like any other, looking to generate value and wrestle tempo in your favor. If you can do so, your 40,000 power hits once awakened will be even harder to contain.
- Keep in mind, most decks will look to rush you down to limit how long they have to endure the 40,000 power hits. As such, awakening early isn't always a good idea, especially if your opponent has cards in play to attack your leader.
- Unless you fall behind on the board or know your opponent has a late game you cannot deal with, for example Androids, you aren't in a rush. One can only defend so many 40,000 Power attacks, and every turn that passes is another one to deal with. As such, keep your focus on the cards available to both players, and only take risks when the situation calls for it.
- This deck typically only needs five Energy to go for the kill, to play FB05-038, fetch FB05-030 or FB05-048 from our drop, and then pay for our 3-cost.
You could keep gaining Energy if you want to do more thing during your turn, such as a 4 and a 2, or the ability to play even more FB01-056. Seven Energy allow playing FB05-041 to get back FB05-038 plus FB05-030 on top of the five to pay for both cards. Still, keep that threshold in mind, especially if you can't figure which card to send in your energy area.
- Using cards as Combo, for example to get back to seven in hand, is a fine way to add to our drop while actually impacting the board. We only need to get to 20 when transitioning to our more aggressive phase. Until then, aggressively adding cards to our drop doesn't do much.
- FB05-048 is a great removal, especially for big opposing cards FB05-040 and FB03-039 can't take care of. We can fetch it from our drop with FB05-038 so don't be afraid to use it as a defensive tool if you need to.
- Your opponent can see what is in your drop, meaning it is quite easy to know how many Super Combo cards you have left available. Keep this in mind as it is will be much harder to bluff, or to count on your opponent spending too many or too little cards on their attacks.
Mulligan and Energy
FS02-08 and FS07-08 are great to have as a turn one play, but finding our 2-cost early tends to be my priority. Ideally, I want to go 1-cost into 2-cost into 2-cost plus 1-cost during my first three turns. FB03-042 remains the best early game anchor in my opinion, but the other two get cards to our drop, which isn't so bad either.
Then, if I have the Energy Marker, I will look for FB03-039 as well, except when playing against black leaders. In that scenario, I will typically play around FB04-105 and use my energy marker early on for a 2-cost.
Energy wise, this deck is very flexible, so there isn't any hard rule. We have a lot of cards without any combo power, so if these don't fit in your plans for the next few turns, they will probably go to our energy area.
FB01-056 and FB03-042 can fetch Earthling cards while FB05-041 or FB05-038 can grab FB05-030 from our drop. As such, you can send those to your energy once you know you have at least one copy secured.
FB05-039 is the card I tend to send in my Energy the most if I have another 2-cost to play. Indeed, FB05-031 represents more combo in hand and doesn't require me to attack when in play, while FB03-042 often is a stronger play.
- Keep FB04-105 in mind against a Black opponent, as falling behind on tempo early often leads to a snowball effect we are not coming back from.
- Yellow opponents have various explosive patterns available through FB01-109, FB05-080, FB04-94 or FB05-084. Keeping a large hand is much safer than staying at 4 health thinking they will never get enough attacks to go for lethal.
- Other aggressive minded leaders (mirror match, FB04-103, FB04-077, FB05-001) want to attack an Awakened Leader to force you to defend or lose important health points. In those matchups, protecting our health early, especially if we have FB01-056 and FB03-042, can be a good way to accept some heavy hit later on, as we will have extra health to work with then.
- Certain opponents tend to start slow, which naturally gives us a tempo lead, such as FB01-070. We need to close the game, or at least build a commanding card lead, before they get to their comfort zone, or we will won't ever be able to contain their late game development. In that case, aiming to awaken fast is a good gamble.
Closing Words
It is still up in the air whether FB05-025 will dethrone Satan City once the metagame will settle. Yet, it is undeniable the synergy I had my doubt on is a contender at the moment, and probably still has some room to grow.
From my various testing sessions, and the opinion of others, the low curve, flexible build feels stronger than a deck with more heavy hitters. More than anything, this blue deck finally feels like it can outspeed a Green opponent, meaning we don't have that terrible matchup anymore.
Black with FB04-114 and a flurry of 4-cost cards we can remove easily looks to be the difficult matchup at the moment. Yet, while we were forced to defend in the past, FB05-025 always gives us the possibility to throw huge blows at our opponent, and sometimes steal the victory that way.
I hope this guide was helpful, and may you have as much fun as I do on Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World at the moment. If you had a question, or would be looking for coaching, you can hit me on Discord (@den_ccg).
Good Game Everyone.