Raging Roar (FB03) Card Guide & Review: Best Cards to Watch Out For

There isn't a lot of suspense around the power level of the super rares cards in a Bandai game: The majority of them will be very good. Raging Roar should follow this principle, as apart from the green ones (FB03-064 and FB03-070) which have some tough competition to see play, all the other ones will find a home at some point during the expansion.

In red, FB03-009 will be the superstar, but the other two (FB03-016 and FB03-020) fit the control theme of the new FB03-001 or FB01-002, while the Universe 7 synergy wouldn't mind running FB03-020 either.

Both blue cards are absolutely amazing, even if you consider them outside the Satan City synergy. There is no way FB03-039 or FB03-042 aren't part of the blue decks for the entire set.

Yellow got the very discussed FB03-093, featuring the new Barrier keyword, a card many expect to be an absolute pain to deal with. As for FB03-089, the card joins a stacked 4-cost crew in Yellow, and will force the deck builders to make choices. Nevertheless, the card definitely feels strong enough to see play, and represent a great complement to FB02-119 to control the opposing board even more, while bringing pressure with its two attacks per turn.

Last, we have the new black cards, which look like no-brainers in that color's lists until we get more cards. Indeed, both FB03-121 and FB03-125 possess a strong ability, coupled with enough power to push a leader attack or trade. As for FB03-111, the card should be a backbone of any black deck, at least until the energy marker synergy will be the color's main theme.

With that said, discussing the Super Rares, or even the Secret Rares (both are insane and must remove for the opponent, let's move on) wouldn't be very constructive. We know these are good, and we'll all look to get four copies early when building our decks. Instead, let's discuss the lower rarity cards, those we could get at a bargain early in the expansion, and with the ability to contribute to our deck just as much as the rarest cards.


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Possibly the strongest card in the set for red, simply due to the ability to fetch FB02-119 from our drop. I know we have FB02-035 already, and many players avoid removing the 4-cost to prevent a red deck from replaying Kefla in future turns. Yet, the new battle card brings a lot more to the table than the Extra card does:

  • We can combo it for 10,000 if we don't need it, while FB02-035 can only serve as energy when unplayable.
  • For 3 energy, we get a 20,000 power card we can attack with that the opponent needs to take care of in future turns. FB02-035 is a great extra, but the more situational nature of the card limits the timing we can play it at.

If I was FB02-012, I would be a little worried about my slot in Raging Roar red decks.

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This card doesn't need a ton of explanation as to why it is on the list: It gives FB01-002 a change to summon FB01-023 on turn three or four. Plus, you also get some help to awaken, a 10,000 combo card, and you can attack with it before triggering the ability.

Unless you have no use of FB01-023 in your deck, and trust me, even if you pass on the ability, you want a 35,000 critical card out early, FB03-018 will end up in your FB01-002 decks.

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With FB03-009 being a 30,000 power card, many saw the possibility to play FB03-011 on turn three and draw the next turn. However, I feel like this card is an insane addition to any FB01-001 deck, as it will always draw when attacking if your leader is awakened.

There is nothing better for a pressure oriented deck to keep drawing cards to sustain its aggression. When this card draw comes in the form of a 30,000 power attacker, you just run the card in your deck.


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FB02-070 was in dire need of some help after failing to gain any kind of momentum during Blazing Aura. The green leader won't get much, honestly, as the green set as a whole felt a bit disappointing, but FB03-061 might be enough.

If you combine both abilities, the card can be extremely valuable against any color. For the more aggressive ones, the possibility to clear the entire board, due to only green having access to 7+ cost cards, gives FB02-070 a guaranteed board clear. Sure, this comes at the price of giving your opponent energy, which could equal a ton of pressure coming right back at you if they still have a large hand. You probably would have been dead otherwise, so we still take it.
Against slower foes, the second ability is nutty. I mean, how do we remove an 8-cost, 50,000 power card except through KO'ing it? Yup, we don't.

If we find a way to stay afloat in the midgame, and control the card advantage, this card looks like a great closer for FB02-070.


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Stability is a very important part of Dragon Ball Fusion World, as the fast-paced gameplay can often punish a bad draw with an unsurmountable loss. Through its ability to draw two cards per attack, FB03-027 greatly improves its odds of finding the right card at the right time. Plus, the drawback of having to put a card back on top of your deck will open plenty of synergies inside the Satan City deck.

Last, the leader also has the ability to manipulate combo power like no other, and looks more resilient than its blue counterpart (except FB02-036, obviously) as a result. Indeed, in a color that could play defensively at times, the possibility to turn a 0 or 5,000 combo card on the board into a 10,000 could be huge to protect our health.

Overall, there is nothing bad to say about FB03-027, just a great design.

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FB02-007 showed us how good this card could be during Blazing Aura, and the blue color might be even better at using it. Indeed, while a red deck will value the damage dealt more, and the pressure created by the Critical keyword, blue decks often can lack both.

Apart from FB01-062 and occasionally FS02-09, blue decks don't have much choice when it comes to awakening fast, and both cards are pretty fragile. Not all of them care about it, but the ability to awaken if needed, for example to land a 35,000 power hit with FS02-01, is good to have. In addition to having a 20,000 power card to do so, which can help with trading opposing Battle Cards without being vulnerable to a leader attack the next turn, we also get the Critical keyword.

Considering blue decks are more about controlling the opposing development more than bringing early pressure, it is easy to overlook its impact here. Simply put, we can finally attack the opposing leader, and get them to lose health, without giving them an extra card to pressure us right back.
When you hit with a critical attacker, the opponent has to chose to lose a health card, or one from its hand as a combo. In a color where card advantage is the most important metric, a good Critical battle card can have many upsides.

The only downside of FB03-047 is the lack of synergy with other cards, which might keep it out of certain decks. However, whenever one lacks a good 2-cost to round up its deck, this is definitely a contender.

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FS02-03 forced us to play a lot of cards to be worth running, at least 6 copies of Trunks: Youth or Son Goten. With the arrival of FB03-048, we can reconsider those ratios, opening some space in our deck in the process.

Not a flashy, but a very helpful card for this specific synergy.

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I wasn't convinced at first, but considering the amount of support this card received, I'm convinced we will often, maybe too often, summon FB03-039 or FB03-032 for a mere 2 energy tribute. Especially with the new leader, we should be able to drop either on top of our deck when awakened, opening for great tempo bursts in the midgame.

Worst case, we just hope something good is in our top 3 cards, and we high roll a difficult game we probably would have lost eventually if nothing positive happened very soon.


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FB02-105/card] has lived in [card]FS03-01's shadow for the entire duration of Blazing Aura, so new support cards are great to see, especially when both look fairly promising. I particularly enjoy FB03-090, as the card gives a new direction to the yellow leader : resiliency.
With the ability to become a 25,000 power leader during your opposing turn, FB02-105/card] becomes the sole defensive leader in the yellow crew, and finally gets its own identity. This is where [card]FB03-080 comes in, providing extra draw to support this defensive mindset even more, alongside a card the opponent won't be able to remove so easily in Active mode.

Together, both cards not only give us a new, repetitive option to use the two extra energy we get per turn. They also make the Blazing Aura leader have its own direction, perfect to craft its own deck, not the FS03-01 bootleg it was running up until now.

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I'm afraid the card might be a little slow to develop in the current deck they gave us around FB03-078, hence why I didn't include it in my theorycraft. However, this doesn't stop me from holding the card in high esteem. Indeed, if we drop this on turn two, we basically tell our opponent they have one card per turn sitting on the board doing nothing for the rest of the match.

I picture this card to be much better against Blue or Red than it is against Yellow (ability to turn back to Active mode) or Green ( defensive mindset early on leading to fewer targets). Then, it will interesting to see which leaders emerge dominant early on to see if this Field can be a part of the FB03-078 deck or not.

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FB01-068 has been instrumental in helping blue gain some momentum during the Blazing Aura period. Arguably, FB03-102 is even stronger, the only downside being to trigger "when KO'd" abilities.

Naturally, we won't run four copies of the card in our deck. Yet, I could definitely see this becoming an important part of tempo based match-ups, representing a big swing in the midgame, as we get rid of opposing 3 or 4-cost cards while pushing attacks onto the opposing leaders.


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A card able to take out another one of the same cost while pressuring the opposing leader as well should not have 10,000 combo attached to it. I understand there is a condition on the card, but having the energy marker appears to be any black deck's bread and butter, so I'm not overly worried about this part.

Turn two energy marker for FB03-111 followed by FB03-114 to take out our opponent's 3-cost card will be a great substitute to missing FB03-140 early on.

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Both Son Goku : GT cards are absolutely nuts, and should be the backbone of black decks in Raging Roar. Then, I expect FB03-124 to fill the same role as FB02-020 in the Tournament of Power deck: four copies included to help us find our best cards and make our deck as reliable as possible.

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Pay one energy, remove up to six energies worth to your opponent. Yup, I'll take that deal anytime.
Imagine a turn three FB03-140 play, attacking the opponent's leader for 30,000 followed by FB03-137 to remove their board, plus a draw at the end of the turn.

Black has some sick play patterns to gain tempo early on.

Closing Words

In my opinion, the cards accessible to everyone represent the most important part of a new expansion. Sure, the rarer cards will get us to spend money, time, and represent a goal to grind towards on the online client. However, those who have been playing since the game's release back in February have plenty of wildcards to use on rare or uncommon cards, while these are the cards we'll often quickly find four copies of in boosters. As such, if we had enough of those cards to craft a fun, or even competitively viable deck quickly, this would greatly help the expansion get a hot start, and push to community to share and get even more excited about the new synergies.

Obviously, Black will be the most talked about color for a bit, but apart from green, I have found cards I'm really excited about in every color. I already shared my excitement for the Satan City synergy in our review of the new leaders, but I'm also eager to test the cards FB02-105 got in this expansion.

Want to get in touch to discuss this article, or looking to get coached on the game ? You can message me through my Twitter page.

Good Game Everyone!


Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

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