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Welcome to our Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World Meta Tier List! In this meta report, we will look at the best Leaders and decks of the DBS Fusion World metagame.
Tier | Deck |
Tier 1 | 🟡 Majin Buu : Evil [Guide] 🔵 Satan City ⚫ Gogeta [Guide] 🔵 Vegito [Guide] |
Tier 2 | ⚫ Baby Vegeta 🟢 Android 🟡 Janemba [Guide] |
Tier 3 | 🔴 SSJ Goku Daima [Guide] 🟢 Son Goku [Guide] 🔴 Starter Goku Daima [Guide] |
Others | 🟢 Broly 🟡 Cooler |
Meta Overview
A week after the release of FB05, players are trying to impose their will onto the opponent, testing how effective certain strategies can be from a purely proactive standpoint. Most of the decks are solely built to maximize their synergies, and will look to follow a very similar game plan whoever the other Leader might be. I would go as far as to say the results of a deck are more representative of their pilot's skill rather than their real power, at least when it comes to the Leaders without a clear cut best list everyone is using.
I fully expect things to keep moving in the Fusion World metagame, and the tournament season hasn't started yet. Then, consider this first look at this fifth set from the perspective of decks being built to focus on themselves. Once we know which decks are the most popular and worth targeting, I expect the more flexible Leaders to start using a few matchup specific cards. Only then we will be able to have a full picture, as we will also know the ability of each Leader to adapt, or resist having a target on their back.
Tier 1
Majin Buu : Evil
FB04-094 plus
The metagame has slowed down a bit with the expansion, at least in the early turns, but features some incredible patterns later on. FB04-077 feels perfectly suited for that environment at the moment, and his popularity on the ladder proves it.
Satan City
The best deck from the previous set still is capable of doing some serious climbing, although you better be excellent at piloting it. Indeed, while the Satan City synergy still has the best opening turns in the game when you pair FB03-033 and FB03-042 for a mix of value and Energy cheating, the other decks got significantly better. In particular, the second portion of a match features super explosive play patterns, meaning you can be overwhelmed if you have not built a solid lead already, considering we are not running FB02-049 to come back from behind.
Same very strong deck but a different metagame, which makes it a little trickier.
I'm not sure if this is the best deck in the game, and I expect Black to develop similarly to last season: Start as a juggernaut, but not end up as the dominant build. Yet, due to its fairly obvious deckbuilding and game play, the color is an obvious candidate to be a fantastic performer early on.
So far, decks are mostly built around their own synergy, without much reactive power. In that context, FB05-095 simply slams battle cards which are difficult to take out the board, and build tons of value whenever one stays around.
It is a little boring to see the same gameplay once again, with FB03-140 at the helm, but the color only had 3 sets, and one Secret Rare. FB04-103 might bring some diversity in the Black color, but expect a lot of Energy Marker shenanigans in New Adventure.
We should have known since FB02-031 was banned that a 3-cost Double Striker would mean trouble, even if we need two cards for it. Paired with a Leader attacking for 40,000 every turn, your opponent has to choose either lose their hand to stay high on health, or hope your FB05-030 won't hit too hard. With FB05-046 reinforcing the already great Blue arsenal when it comes to supporting an attack, needless to say, FB05-030 will often hit too hard.
The main challenge with this leader is to control the early stages of the game. If you can awaken without being pressured, there is little your opponent can do once the huge hits are coming. However, if you lost the board and face a few battle cards able to pressure you, you might be pressed to send that 40,000 hit into one of those, a sign something went wrong.
Tier 2
Baby Vegeta
The deck got a new card in FB05-110 but the problem with this deck really is to not let our opponent's board get out of hand too quickly, hence why FB03-108 still is included. Considering everyone got a little more explosive, if we can't go off quite early, we're better off playing FB05-095 and a midrange play style.
The other concern for this deck is the relative low amount of Green decks at the moment, which typically were our bread and butter. They don't have great removal for our 30,000 Power battle cards, nor pressure us fast enough to derail our plan. The other four colors have the ability to deal with active mode cards, typically ruining our set-up turns, or forcing us to go off earlier than we'd like.
For those who played this deck a lot during the previous set, it is a fine pick until the other Leaders find their refined list. Otherwise, I would probably recommend FB04-077 to someone looking for an aggressive deck they have to learn from scratch.
One thing to credit FB04-103 with however, is the ability to play with a small hand as we can use a ton of cards during a turn with our Riildo loop. This plays very well into FB04-077, the current dominant leader.
This is another deck I am not sure about its real power, as it could be the result of the deck being the same as the previous set, meaning we can't really get it wrong. There is one difference in New Adventure: Be scared of FB01-070 on nine Energy.
FS03-10 has been carrying the color for four sets, and still remains the card we gain all those energies for. However, the addition of FB05-119 is opening some sick follow-up plays:
- If on two health, we can play FB05-119 plus FB01-090 to get back to three. This can completely flip the pressure around.
- If on three or four health, the deck can play FB04-064 to lose some life cards, and play FB05-119 afterward, a great way to push for the win.
The game plan remains the same, but the Androids just gained a new way to sneak a lethal setup if you aren't careful. There are other Green decks seeing play at the moment. The new FB05-049 obviously, but also a sneaky FS03-01. All capitalize on the new secret card, but Androis stills appear to do it best.
I love this new Leader, and I tried really hard to find reasons to put it in the top tier. I believe FB05-072 has the potential to get there eventually, but it requires more finesse than the decks in Tier 1, both in terms of deckbuilding or piloting. Indeed, while you can create some incredible turns with FB05-084 followed by a 4-cost once Awakened, accepting too much damage early on means your opponent can race you to the finish line. Unfortunately, Yellow still have a bit of a Combo problem, as none of the new cards have that precious 10,000 Combo attached to them. Then, FB05-072 needs to be very cautious with its health, as I feel this is one of the least likely leaders to be able to tank a big Double Striker hit for the game.
If you manage to seize initiative however, there is everything you want in this deck to make your opponent miserable. We can turn cards into rest mode with FS04-11 and FB05-080 to keep controlling the board. Lock them into rest mode with FB03-099 and FB02-119 to focus on their Leader and set up for the win. We have plenty of draws too, and some explosive combination to go for the kill, with FB04-094 acting as our finisher.
FB04-077 is a popular and difficult match-up at the moment, so maybe it simply isn't the right time for the new yellow leader.
Tier 3
SSJ Goku Daima
The most aggressive deck so far, I feel like FB05-001 is great until you play against someone taking care of their early life cards. When that happens, you realize a lot of cards in this deck are situational, and need you to control initiative to be at their best. FB05-006 really wants to attack the opposing Leader, but can't if you are behind on the board. FB05-015 is a superb tempo tool, forcing the opponent to think about how to remove it without giving you two card, but rather weak if it can be ignored. The same could be said about FB04-012, which will typically pick one life card from each player, so it comes down to who has more to work with.
If you can build your lead, and direct your battle cards to the opposing Leader, setting them up for FS06-06 to come in with a huge hit, this deck is a menace. I mean, your Double Striker easily reaches 60,000 Power with your Leader ability and FB05-022, then you can add your hand on top of that. However, if you feel forced to control the board, and feel like you are spending too many cards on defense, this is a bad sign as this deck lacks some great comeback mechanics whenever FB02-029 isn't enough.
Son Goku
I'm truly not a believer in this new Green deck, as I feel someone who takes it slow and stays at a high health can probably tank FB05-119 at least twice. Plus, if the opponent just builds their board and forces you to drop down low on your own, they typically are perfectly positioned to milk your hand out of cards once you Awaken. One card changed my opinion a bit though -FB04-052 gives you another reason to ramp with FB05-051 or FB04-064 while bringing tons of pressure at the same time.
This is one of the hardest Leader to balance for sure, both in terms of the deck and how to play it. As such, don't consider my ranking as set in stone, nor better than the opinion of another experienced played. I'm happy to be proven wrong, but this is where I see FB05-049 at the moment.
Starter Goku Daima
More balanced than FB05-001, especially when it comes to dealing with opposing battle cards, FS06-01 unfortunately wishes for a slower environment. Indeed, while we can keep up with most decks early on, games are often too fast paced for us to keep FB04-129 in hand for multiple turns, hence why it didn't make the list.
I would consider this deck a slower but harder to exhaust FB05-001 at the moment. Then, depending if you want something balanced or with a specific game plan, you can pick one or the other.
Other Leaders
Fancy testing something different? Here are some lists for other Leaders which aren't as popular, but managed to pique some player's interest lately. I am not vouching for the results of those decks, but some of these are a ton of fun to complete quests with.
I hope this early meta report helped you get an idea of what the first week in New Adventure looked like. If you needed to get in touch, for a question or if you were looking for coaching, feel free to hit me up on Discord (@den_ccg).
Good Game Everyone.