Best Awakened Pulse (FB01) Cards

The new Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World has a lot of card gamers talking about it since its digital Open Beta. There, most players got a shot at testing several of the Starter Decks, and they felt great from the limited play time we've had using them. However, the Booster Pack cards haven't uncovered all their secrets yet, as we weren't given enough resources to collect all the cards. In order to solve that mystery, I have partnered with other veteran card game players, and competitors in the One Piece Card Game (made by the same company and compared to) to pick the best of the bunch.

We tried to rank the cards inside each color, but there isn't a ranking from a color to another. They all look cool if you ask me, and reward very different play styles. Another disclaimer, the rarity seems to have quite the impact on the power of a card, and most Super Rare, Secret Rare or even Promos are looking strong at the very least. Then, if you open any of those, they should either make no sense to play in your deck, but this has nothing to do with the power of the power, or very likely deserves a spot. As such, we decided to focus on the other rarities (Common, Uncommon, Rare) to highlight potential gems most players could have access to.

Down the line, or if people were to invest to prepare for a tournament, decks will very likely want four copies of several of the rarest cards in the set. However, we can all figure out that the rarest cards are likely to be the most powerful ones, and represent the cornerstone of a leader's strategy, or maybe multiple decks inside a color. Consequently, let's instead focus on the card every one will have, and which probably serve as tiebreakers when two decks with all the rarest cards face off.

Which are the hidden gems of this first expansion? Let's explore!

Best Red Cards

Son Gohan : Adolescence (FB01-016)

Son Gohan : Adolescence (FB01-016)

Three energy is still relatively early in a match, a moment when both players are fighting to gain control of the battlefield. Whether you are against an aggressive opponent, which started to attack your leader already with early game cards, or a slower deck you might have to rush so they can't get set, Son Gohan : Adolescence looks like an asset in both situations.

10,000 power might not KO any cards if there isn't a 1-cost card left, but should set up all rest mode cards for easy trades. Plus, as a 20,000 power card, Son Gohan : Adolescence can always just attack the opposing leader, even if awakened.

The only downside of the card, which also possess three different special traits, is its 5,000 power for combos. However, one could argue you aren't playing this card to combo it anyway.

Fuwa (FB01-026)

Fuwa (FB01-026)

In Fusion World, you can combo card on the board as long as they are not in rest mode. Then, Fuwa looks like a very simple card to use: pay two energy, KO a card at 15,000 power or set up a great trade on a midrange or big card in rest mode, then simply use Fuwa to power up one of your cards.

It is really simple, but this should be effective against a ton of decks, as the 15,000 power affliction should kill a large variety of 2-costs on the spot, making Fuwa great to seize the early card advantage.

Android 17 (FB01-013)

Android 17 (FB01-013)

Early in the match, controlling the trades is key to seize the initiative, and limit your opponent's ability to get set on the table. Android 17 won't be very good at taking out opposing cards, but should be a great protective tool for any of yours in charge of that duty. Particularly if you have cards with "When attacking" or in need of being switch to rest mode to activate their ability.

Another great upside of the card is the bonus not being just for the battle, but the entire turn. Then, once Android 17 blocked one, it becomes a 25,000 power card for anything your opponent might do for the rest of their turn.

Botamo (FB01-026)

Botamo (FB01-026)

I love Botamo so much, I probably would have ranked it first if it was only my biased opinion being reflected here. First, Botamo is one of the few cards you can attack with every turn, either into a rested card, or your opponent's leader, without fearing to open a good trade for your opponent. In a game where building card advantage is so important, a card allowing to be a little careless with your attacks is always welcomed.

Then, Botamo still has 20,000 power, which is the vanilla statistic for the cost, meaning it can trade most other 2-cost cards, even pressure an awakened hero. Sure, the card lost 5,000 of its power for combos, but everything else about Botamo screams a great 2-cost card in any kind of red deck.

Master Roshi (FB01-005)

Master Roshi (FB01-005)

I tend to give a lot of value to cards which help you awaken, as some leaders are looking to get to four health as fast as possible. Master Roshi is excellent in that regard, as it doesn't need to enter rest mode to trigger its ability and deal that damage to your leader. Then, you also get to use an Extra card for free with that ability, a big help in a game where you don't have so much energy to work with early on. I'd say, until turn four or five, you will find a lot of value in this ability.

Once that phase is over, you can simply use Master Roshi for its 10,000 power in combos, something available at all times, considering you don't have to enter it in rest mode for the ability.

Frost (FB01-25)

Frost (FB01-25)

This card has a chance to just turn off an entire strategy, as 20,000 means almost every card at one or two energy, and some with abilities at three. If Frost was a Universe 7 card, I would have ranked it even higher, as it would look like a staple in that archetype.

Unfortunately, Frost will have to settle with Beerus or the other Son Goku leader for the time being, and be a solid disruptive card against decks relying on lots of cheap cards they aim to buff with combo cards once they attacked. For example, I could see Frost being an absolute pain for a Ginyu deck.

Best Blue Cards

Trunks : Future (FB01-036)

Trunks : Future (FB01-036)

When looking at the blue cards, there are a lot which seem to be tailor-made for this Leader, such as the super rare Mai : Future for example. Then, I wanted to include Trunks : Future first of the blue cards to note how much I think this leader has potential if we can collect all the cards for his deck. I know it won't be easy as most of the build will have to come out of booster packs. Yet, a lot of things seem to click, and it might be one of the best leader of the expansion once in experienced hands.

Bulma (FB01-057)

Bulma (FB01-057)

The Blue color has Galick Gun, which becomes a free +15,000 power and draw a card with this ability. This is a prime example of how this Bulma can make a blue deck develop even more tempo early on in a match through strong extra cards, which seems to be exactly what Vegeta or Trunks want to do.

The power and combo ability is on the weak side, but as we don't have to get this card in rest mode to use the ability, one trigger and a +5,000 power should be good enough.

Pilaf (FB01-056)

Pilaf (FB01-056)

The amount of solid 1 cost cards with the Earthling special trait in blue is way too high not to include Pilaf on this list. Plus, the worst case for this case is to be a one energy, +20,000 power combo as you will just fetch another +10,000 with the ability.

I have a hard time not seeing this become a staple card in several blue decks, considering how important it is to have combo cards available at all times to dictate the battle phase.

Vegeta (FB01-058)

Vegeta (FB01-058)

This card might only be played with the leader Vegeta, but it still deserves a spot on the list. At 25,000 power, this is a perfect number to pressure awakened leaders turn after turn, and force the opponent to spend resources into dealing with it, which can open the door for your bigger 5-cost to close the game more reliably.

It isn't a shiny card, but one of the best uncommon cards in the game, especially in a color looking to force the opponent into a fast-paced battle.

Son Goku (FB01-047)

Son Goku (FB01-047)

25,000 power for a two cost will almost always force the opponent to expend a combo card to trade into it. Particularly when you are the second player, using your extra energy on turn one for a strong 2-cost with an ability, into this to protect it, should be a great start to a match. I don't know if it will see play if one would have all cards available, but it should be a great inclusion for someone with a limited collection and looking to protect their early cards.

Best Green Cards

Son Goku (FB01-087)

Son Goku (FB01-087)

This Son Goku is just everything green wants, at least Son Gohan and Broly as awakened leader. In the beta, this was the best card to find to boost the Broly starter deck, and most players I discussed with said this was the best green card to find in booster. As such, I have a hard time not envisioning this card become a staple in most green decks soon after the game launches.

Trunks : Future (FB01-092)

Trunks : Future (FB01-092)

This card only works with Son Gohan as your leader, but it is difficult not playing it when that's the case. Indeed, if Destructive Strength is considered a strong card for Broly, this is basically a slower version with a 20,000 power blocker attached to it. Sure, the opponent could ignore it and stop attacking for a while, so you don't get the energy, but I doubt anyone, except maybe another green deck, will look forward to playing it slow against Son Gohan.

With that in mind, this Trunks: Future, looks pretty sweet.

Son Gohan : Childhood (FB01-090)

Son Gohan : Childhood (FB01-090)

It isn't clear how much we need more health in green, although it's proven to be good against Vegeta in the beta already, but this card also has an Android 16 to synergize with to be replayed from your drop. As such, I could easily see Gohan and Android 16 be slotted in a green deck to be able to counter agressive strategies, while remaining a great synergy against another color hoping to win a late game battle.

There are a lot of expensive cards in green, and we won't be able to play them all in our deck. Still, this one feels like a good one to have at our disposal, especially until we find the super rare ones.

Son Gohan : Childhood (FB01-089)

Son Gohan : Childhood (FB01-089)

Five is a very important cost for green, as we usually will look to ramp on turn three, meaning our 5-cost card is in charge of helping stabilize the situation before it gets out of hand. Turless and Son Goku (5) higher on this list should be able to trade a rested card, but likely will still leave at least a card behind them. This Son Gohan: Childhood doesn't give you extra energy, but will deal with the opponent's pressure much better. It probably is weaker against another green deck, but likely a great addition to help against blue or red leaders.

Android 16 (FB01-073)

Android 16 (FB01-073)

We know green wants to slow down the pace of the game, and reach the late game as safely as possible. It has been confirmed the super rare card Android 17 / Android 18 being in your energy is enough to make this a 30,000 power blocker, and that card should be simple to slot in most green decks. Then, if Trunks: Future (3) we saw a few spots higher should be stronger with Son Gohan as you leader, this Android 16 likely is your pick when you are playing Broly or Android 17 / Android 18.

Best Yellow Cards

Ginyu (FB01-108)

Ginyu (FB01-108)

The Ginyu synergy caught the eyes of many players I discussed with during the card reveals, and that deck probably needs this card the most. Indeed, as an all out aggressive deck looking to swarm the board before it just attacks its opponent on repeat, a 20,000 power, draw a card, 2-cost card is just great value/

Another hint at this card's power, this is one of the very few cheap cards in the game with no combo power attached to it. Most of the time, this treatment is reserved to super rare cards, with an impactful ability.

Bonds of the Ginyu Force (FB01-133)

Bonds of the Ginyu Force (FB01-133)

I thought about including only one card for the Ginyu deck and just say there are plenty of tools indicating there is a reason to believe it can be a thing. Yet, it just felt wrong to keep a card able to give stupid amount of power for just one energy.

Extra cards aren't so simple to leverage in the game, as energy is quickly spent to summon battle cards. This is why we have a red and blue card highlighted as great for their color in this article. Yellow doesn't have a way to make this card free, but the Ginyu deck could very well turn this into a 30,000 power buff, more than enough to justify the one energy paid for it.

Banan (FB01-127)

Banan (FB01-127)

Frieza's awakened ability is regarded as an extremely strong one when used in the right situation, as controling the trades is key to winning a game in Fusion World. Well, Banan has that same ability, except it needs to target a Frieza's Army card.

Fortunately, this a special trait it possess so it can always use the ability on itself, making it a card which can switch back to active mode at the end of each turn if it attacked. Otherwise, Yellow has a few cards with strong "When Attacking" abilities, such as Golden Frieza, so I have no doubt Banan should find a way to contribute to a Frieza deck just well.

Chilled (FB01-121)

Chilled (FB01-121)

Simiarly to Banan, there seems to be more than enough cards with the Frieza Clan special trait for Chilled to be a good inclusion somewhere. It is hard to figure out whether these power buffs are better during yours or your opponent's turn, especially as the Leader Frieza has to ability to switch cards back to active mode. Still, if one manages to get several Chilled in play, the board could quickly become too big to be traded without the opponent using combo cards in every battle they enter.

Mecha Frieza (FB01-130)

Mecha Frieza (FB01-130)

There are two King Cold versions this card can summon, a vanilla with 30,000 power, or a blocker with 25,000 power and a strong ability, meaning there are eight possible targets that should be in your deck. Not only this provides a great duo to take out opposing cards in rest mode, or pressure the opposing leader, it also synergizes with the leader Frieza as you can switch both back to active mode at the end of the turn. Paired with Golden Frieza from the Starter Deck, this should represent a great alternate play on turn five for a yellow leader to use atop its curve.

Sui (FB01-120)

Sui (FB01-120)

Frieza looks to be a leader with a knack for building card advantage over time, abusing its ability to get much more value from its battle cards. In that sense, the critical keyword seems to make a lot of sense to pressure the opposing leader without giving them cards in the process.

Plus, Sui is a 30,000 power card during your opponent's turn, so it isn't so simple to take out, meaning you don't have to use your leader's ability on it. In that sense, Sui feels like a great standalone card to push the health of your opponent's leader while you can keep abusing the synergies of your other cards.

Closing Words

To be honest, it is pretty amazing how many cards look promising for this first expansion. Already, the Starter Decks looked very decent, particularly if you pick two and get the included super rares in four copies. Then, even if the other super rare cards look very powerful, I think there are some fun decks to be made with the easier cards to acquire. Frieza in particular, has a chance at being a very solid leader with a few of the cards listed in the yellow section. A good news for the color which would otherwise have to wait for a full Ginyu deck, probably a much more expensive acquisition. Speaking of leaders worth taking a look at outside of the starters, Trunks in blue, is a leader I have high hope for, but probably one of the most technical leaders to use properly.

I am extremely curious as to what the game will look like once the card restrictions are lifted, and the first refined decks emerge. So far, it feels like decks might share a lot of the rarer cards early on, and then fill with utility tools based on the leader ability. Still, considering the game heavily rewards the ability to control the battle phase through card advantage transferring into having more combo cards available, this early part of the match based on the cheaper cards could be very diverse from a leader to another.

We have one more article planned to close the beta season, with a theorycraft of a deck for each leader, alongside my own ranking of where I see each leader going into this first set of Dragon Ball Super Fusion World. Until this one comes out, I hope you are as excited as I am for its official release in February. Feel free to reach out for any question you might have, in the comment section or through my Twitter page.

Good Game Everyone!


Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

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